Counties Impacted
Route Impacted

The Big Lake Overflow Bridge rehabilitation project is part of Governor Parson's Focus on Bridges program, which will repair or replace 250 bridges across the state.

Proposed Project Timeline

Design Phase

MoDOT has designed a project to rehabilitate the U.S. Route 159 bridge over Big Lake Overflow in Holt County.

The design phase may also include right of way acquisition and a public input period, if necessary for the project.

Project Bidding and Award

The project was part of MoDOT's August 2021 letting. At that time contractors were able to submit competitive bids for the project.

The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded a $4,143,450.63 contract to Emery Sapp & Sons, Inc. for this project (also contains four (4) other bridges) at their September 2021 meeting.

Project Begins

By contract, Oct. 4, 2021, is the earliest the contractor may begin construction (the Notice to Proceed date).

 The contractor began work Monday, May 23. The roadway will be narrowed to one lane and temporary traffic signals will guide motorists through the work zone.

Project Completion

By contract, the contractor will have 62 calendar days to complete the project once construction has begun.

Construction is expected to continue through July.

Holt County US 149 Big Lake Overflow Bridge Deck

Project Information:

The U.S. Route 159 bridge over Big Lake Overflow in Holt County is scheduled to receive a new driving surface as part of a bridge rehabilitation project. The project will increase the longevity of the bridge and improve the driving surface.

The Big Lake Overflow Bridge rehabilitation project is part of Governor Parson's Focus on Bridges program, which will repair or replace 250 bridges across the state.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Will MoDOT close the road during construction?

No, for this project construction will completed under a single lane closure. During construction, a temporary traffic signal will be utilized to guide motorists through the work zone. At 10-foot width restriction will be in place.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

Questions about the project may be directed to MoDOT Customer Service at 888 ASK MODOT (1-888-275-6636)

How can I stay updated on the project's progress?

Sign up for project-specific updates using the form below.

Project Informaiton

For more information about this or other MoDOT projects, please contact our 24-hour Customer Service line at 888 ASK MODOT (1-888-275-6636) or sign up for alerts straight to your inbox at email/text updates.