Pre-1945 Common Concrete and Steel Bridges Programmatic Agreement

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is developing a Programmatic Agreement (PA) for pre-1945 culverts and common concrete and steel beam and girder bridge types currently on the state highway system. 
[This PA has been executed. This page is now for informational purposes.]


Bridge types that are included in this process include:

  • Concrete Cast-in-place slab Bridge
  • Concrete Pre-cast slab Bridge
  • Concrete T-beam Bridge
  • Concrete Channel Beam Bridge
  • Concrete I-beam Bridge
  • Concrete Box Beam Bridge

  • Steel Rolled Multi-beam Bridge
  • Steel Built-up Girder Bridge
  • Concrete Box Culvert
  • Concrete Pipe Culvert
  • Steel Pipe Culvert

The PA will identify bridges that are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (National Register), identify mitigation measures for the class of bridges, and mitigation measures for any individually eligible bridges which might be affected by a MoDOT project in the future. This will provide greater efficiency for MoDOT when dealing with these types of bridges.

Consulting in the PA are the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and various bridge, preservation and roadway groups.


The first step in the development of the PA is to identify bridges that could meet the National Register criteria. To be eligible a bridge must be associated with significant events, significant people or have engineering significance. Significance can be at a local, statewide or national level. Bridges must also retain integrity—they must retain the characteristics they had when the significant events occurred.


Once bridges that could meet the eligibility requirements are identified, historical research will be conducted on them to determine their history and integrity.


Following that, eligibility for the National Register will be determined.

Bridges that could be covered by this PA can be located and viewed on the map below.  Since culverts are all very similar, representative examples of single, double, triple, and multiple box culverts are shown below.

Pre-1945 Common Bridges and Culverts

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