About LPA/Contact Us

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) provides guidance for special funding programs and other programs that impact work performed by localities, and serves as a liaison to local governments who seek federal reimbursement for their projects.


Title 23, of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as amended by MAP-21 requires MoDOT to administer all funds apportioned and allocated to the state under this transportation act.  MAP-21 directs that certain percentages of funding categories within the state's apportionment must be sub-allocated towards the Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRO), the STP Urban Attribute Program, the Transportation Alternatives Program and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program.

Funding Distribution

The link below describes the funding distribution for Missouri's Local Program.

STIP Section 6 - Special Programs


For projects administered by local officials the local seeks federal reimbursement:

  • MoDOT will furnish information concerning the necessary federal requirements and will act as a coordinator.
  • Local Agency will provide the necessary design, acquisition, environmental, historical and archaeological clearances and approvals, construction and maintenance of improvements.

Contact Information

A MoDOT district representative will be the primary contact, furnish the necessary guidelines and coordinate the necessary reviews and approvals.  MoDOT personnel will advise and assist the local agency in meeting the requirements of the program.  Additional information regarding federal requirements is available through the MoDOT district representative.

LPA Contacts

Contact Photo
Picture of Ashley Buechter
Ashley Buechter, P.E.
Assistant State Design Engineer – Local Programs Administrator
Contact Info


Office: 573-526-6997

Contact Photo
Andrew Seiler
Transportation Planning Specialist
Contact Info


Office: 417-895-7696

Contact Photo
Andrew Hanks Portrait
Andrew Hanks
Design Support Engineer
Contact Info


Office: 573-526-1862

MoDOT District Contacts for LPA

Northwest Adam Wood Adam.Wood@modot.mo.gov 816-387-2434
Northwest  Madison Woodward Madison.Woodward@modot.mo.gov 816-387-2596
Northeast Rob Frese Rob.Frese@modot.mo.gov 573-248-2457
Northeast Lori Smith Lori.Smith@modot.mo.gov  573-248-2634
Northeast Mary Combs Mary.Combs@modot.mo.gov 573-248-2491
Kansas City Melissa Schmitz Melissa.schmitz@modot.mo.gov 816-607-2258
Kansas City Juan Yin Juan.Yin@modot.mo.gov 816-607-2216
Central Steve Engelbrecht Steven.Engelbrecht@modot.mo.gov 573-751-7689
Central Joanie Prenger Joanie.Prenger@modot.mo.gov 573-751-7399
Central Bailey Veasman Bailey.Veasman@modot.mo.gov 573-526-6994
St. Louis Cynthia Simmons cynthia.simmons@modot.mo.gov 314-453-1833
St. Louis Heather Copeland heather.copeland@modot.mo.gov  314-453-5026
Southwest Garrett Evans Garrett.Evans@modot.mo.gov 417-872-2224
Southwest Taylor Reynolds Taylor.reynolds@modot.mo.gov 417-895-7684
Southwest Josh Dugan Josh.Dugan@modot.mo.gov 417-346-7126
Southeast Melissa Rose Melissa.rose@modot.mo.gov 417-252-1616
Southeast Patty Fuller Nora.Fuller@modot.mo.gov 417-469-6246

Statewide LPA Advisory Committee


Statewide LPA Advisory Committee Member Organization Phone Term
Nicolas Bosonetto KCMO Public Works 816-639-1416 2023-2025
Don Jenkins Meco Engineering 573-893-5558 2023-2025
Chris Linneman EFK Moen 314-394-3152 2023-2025
Matt Seggerman St. Charles County 636-949-7900 ext 3453 2023-2025
Eric Tapley Lincoln County Highway Department 636-528-7112 2023-2025
Richard Sheets Missouri Municipal League 573-635-9134 2023-2025
Marc Hansen Mid America Regional Council 816-701-8317 2023-2025
Jen Thomas Ozarks Transportation Organization 314-394-3152 2023-2025
Mitch Gibler OWN, Inc. 816-810-9650 2024-2026
Athena Huynh City of Grandview 816-316-4857 2024-2026
Aaron McVicker McClure 660-385-6441 2024-2026
Wade Montgomery City of O'Fallon 636-379-5567 2024-2026
Jon Struckhoff City of Warrenton 636-456-3535 ext 226 2024-2026
Patrick Wolf Camden County Road & Bridge 573-346-4471 2024-2026
Greg Camp City of Festus 636-937-4694 2025-2027
Kelley Davis HDR, Inc. 314-425-8389 2025-2027
Shannon Howe Howe Company, LLC 660-395-4693 2025-2027
Vineet Kapilla City of Columbia 573-874-6358 2025-2027
Alex McElroy Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization 573-339-6734 2025-2027
Chris Hess Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission 660-463-7934 2024-2026
Heath Pickerill Missouri S&T Rolla 573-341-7637 Standing Member
Natalie Roark Federal Highway Administration 573-638-2630 Standing Member