City of Mountain View, Mountain View Airport, Airfield Pavement Maintenance. |
3/10/25 |
3.27/25 |
Gasconade County, Road & Bridge Work |
3/6/25 |
4/10/25 |
City of Sikeston, Sikeston Memorial Municipal Airport, State Block Grant Project |
3/6/25 |
3/31/25 |
Jackson County, northeast between State Route 350/Blue Parkway and Brickyard Road, Construction of a 10’ wide concrete non-motorized transportation facility |
3/6/25 |
4/1/25 |
City of Neosho, Neosho Hugh Robinson Airport, Construct 5-Unit T-Hanger |
3/5/25 |
3/28/25 |
City of Perryville, Perryville Regional Airport, work in description. |
3/4/25 |
3/24/25 |
City of Piedmont, Piedmont Municipal Airport, work in description. |
3/4/25 |
3/19/25 |
City of Fulton, Elton Hensley Memorial Airport, work in description |
3/4/25 |
3/18/25 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Washington Street resurfacing, replace curb ramps, and upgrade traffic signal equipment |
3/3/25 |
4/2/25 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, furnish and install all materials, track removal, turnout relocation and rehabilitation, earthwork, culvert installation, waterline removal, etc. |
2/27/25 |
3/27/25 |
NW District, Caldwell County, Dillion Drive Bridge Replacement |
2/25/25 |
3/25/25 |
SL District, City of St. Charles, Pavement repairs and crack sealing from Mexico Road to Old Muegge Road/Abbydale Drive, etc. |
2/24/25 |
3/18/25 |
NW District, Andrew County, Construction of a two-span, Girder Bridge and associated roadway work on County Road 70 south of Fillmore, Missouri |
2/24/25 |
3/27/25 |
NW District, Carroll County, Road & Bridge Work |
2/24/25 |
3/26/25 |
NW District, Clinton County, Road & Bridge Work |
2/24/25 |
3/27/25 |
NW District, Putnam County, Road & Bridge Work |
2/24/25 |
3/24/25 |
SE District, City of Bonne Terre, Sidewalk Improvements |
2/18/25 |
3/18/25 |
Central District, City of Columbia, Route K and Old Plank Road Roundabout |
2/18/25 |
3/11/25 |
SL District, St. Louis County, Ferguson Avenue resurfacing and ADA upgrades between Page Avenue and St. Charles Rock Road |
2/18/25 |
3/19/25 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, St. Louis County, Ferguson Avenue resurfacing and ADA upgrades between Page Avenue and St. Charles Rock Road Addendum 1 |
2/26/25 |
3/19/25 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, St. Louis County, Ferguson Avenue resurfacing and ADA upgrades between Page Avenue and St. Charles Rock Road Addendum 2 |
3/12/25 |
3/19/25 |
SL District, Great Rivers Greenway, 10 feet wide greenway, ADA upgrades, and storm sewers along Ferguson Avenue between Page Avenue and Pagedale City Hall |
2/18/25 |
3/19/25 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, Great Rivers Greenway, 10 feet wide greenway, ADA upgrades, and storm sewers along Ferguson Avenue between Page Avenue and Pagedale City Hall Addendum 1 |
2/26/25 |
3/19/25 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, Great Rivers Greenway, 10 feet wide greenway, ADA upgrades, and storm sewers along Ferguson Avenue between Page Avenue and Pagedale City Hall Addendum 2 |
3/12/25 |
3/19/25 |
Addendum 3 |
SL District, Great Rivers Greenway, 10 feet wide greenway, ADA upgrades, and storm sewers along Ferguson Avenue between Page Avenue and Pagedale City Hall Addendum 3 |
3/13/25 |
3/19/25 |
SW District, City of Springfield, concrete sidewalk, median, and ramp reconstruction. |
2/13/25 |
3/18/25 |
City of Sikeston, Sikeston Memorial Municipal Airport, runway pavement maintenance and apron improvements at the Sikeston. |
2/7/25 |
2/28/25 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Sikeston, Sikeston Memorial Municipal Airport, runway pavement maintenance and apron improvements at the Sikeston. Addendum 1 |
2/20/25 |
2/28/25 |
Addendum 2 |
City of Sikeston, Sikeston Memorial Municipal Airport, runway pavement maintenance and apron improvements at the Sikeston. Addendum 2 |
2/25/25 |
2/28/25 |
City of Caruthersville, Caruthersville Memorial Airport, obstruction removal (tree clearing). |
2/7/25 |
2/27/25 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Caruthersville, Caruthersville Memorial Airport, obstruction removal (tree clearing). Addendum 1 |
2/20/25 |
2/27/25 |
City of Dexter, Dexter Municipal Airport, apron and taxiway pavement maintenance. |
2/7/25 |
2/28/25 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Dexter, Dexter Municipal Airport, apron and taxiway pavement maintenance. Addendum 1 |
2/20/25 |
2/28/25 |
NE District, City of Mexico, Pollock Rd. Bridge Replacement |
2/6/25 |
3/3/25 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, City of Mexico, Pollock Rd. Bridge Replacement Addendum 1 |
2/11/25 |
3/3/25 |
City of Lebanon, Floyd W Jones Lebanon Regional Airport State Block Grant Project. |
2/6/25 |
2/25/25 |
St. Louis, Creve Coeur Airport pavement maintenance |
2/5/25 |
3/4/25 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis, Creve Coeur Airport pavement maintenance Addendum 1 |
2/18/25 |
3/4/25 |
Addendum 2 |
St. Louis, Creve Coeur Airport pavement maintenance Addendum 2 |
2/24/25 |
3/4/25 |
Addendum 3 |
St. Louis, Creve Coeur Airport pavement maintenance Addendum 3 |
2/28/25 |
3/4/25 |
Addendum 4 |
St. Louis, Creve Coeur Airport pavement maintenance Addendum 4 |
2/28/25 |
3/4/25 |
Central District, Callaway County, Road and Bridge Work |
2/5/25 |
3/7/25 |
KC District, Odessa City, Mason Street, Street Improvements |
2/3/25 |
2/27/25 |
KC District, Odessa City, 2nd street sidewalk, ramps, & street improvements |
2/3/25 |
2/27/25 |
SL District, City of Wentzville, US 61 West outer Road Extension |
1/31/25 |
2/24/25 |
Jefferson County Port Authority, Reconstruction of Existing Roadway along Riverview Plaza Drive to connect to Port Entrance Road. |
1/30/25 |
12/09/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Jefferson County Port Authority, Reconstruction of Existing Roadway along Riverview Plaza Drive to connect to Port Entrance Road. Addendum 1 |
2/28/25 |
SL District, City of St. Peters, Mexico Road at Dardenne Creek Bridge Rehabilitation |
1/30/25 |
SE District, City of Ava, Sidewalk Replacement Work |
1/29/25 |
3/6/25 |
City of Sedalia, Rehabilitate North Runway 18-36 Parallel Taxiway and North 500’ of Runway 18-36 Re-Mark North Runway 18-36 Parallel Taxiway and Runway 18-36 |
1/29/25 |
2/20/25 |
State Technical College of Missouri, State Block Grant Project |
1/29/25 |
2/19/25 |
Addendum 1 |
State Technical College of Missouri, State Block Grant Project Addendum 1 |
2/14/25 |
2/19/25 |
Addendum 2 |
State Technical College of Missouri, State Block Grant Project Addendum 3 |
2/18/25 |
2/19/25 |
NW District, Holt County, Lincoln Road Bridge Replacement |
1/27/25 |
2/18/25 |
SW District, City of Springfield, construction of new three-lane roadway and other work |
1/27/25 |
2/18/25 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, City of Springfield, construction of new three-lane roadway and other work Addendum 1 |
2/14/25 |
2/18/25 |
Addendum 2 |
SW District, City of Springfield, construction of new three-lane roadway and other work Addendum 2 |
2/14/25 |
2/18/25 |
SW District, City of Warsaw, Grading and Embankment, a Concrete Bike Lane, Street Lighting, Sidewalks, Asphaltic Pavement Widening, Aggregate Base, Curb and Gutter, etc. |
1/27/25 |
2/26/25 |
Central District, Camden County, construction of Camden County Bridge No 1670008 |
1/27/25 |
2/13/25 |
Addendum 1 |
Central District, Camden County, construction of Camden County Bridge No 1670008 Addendum 1 |
2/6/25 |
2/13/25 |
NW District, Daviess County, Road & Bridge Work |
11/23/25 |
3/5/25 |
KC District, Ray County, Construction of a single span steel girder bridge and associate work. |
1/17/25 |
2/19/25 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, Ray County, Construction of a single span steel girder bridge and associate work. Addendum 1 |
2/11/25 |
2/19/25 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, Ray County, Construction of a single span steel girder bridge and associate work. Addendum 2 |
2/18/25 |
2/19/25 |
SE District, City of Bismarck, Sidewalk Improvements |
1/17/25 |
2/11/25 |
SL District, City of St. Peters, Howell Rd Intersection Improvements |
1/16/25 |
2/7/25 |
SW District, Bates County, NE County Road 13004 Bridge Replacement |
1/16/25 |
2/10/25 |
The Jefferson County Port Authority hereby notifies the public of its intent to utilize a Single Feasible Source Procurement process to purchase a Sennebogen 855 Material Handler from the G.W. Van Keppel Company. |
1/15/25 |
1/28/25 |
Central District, City of Jefferson, S. Country Club Sidepath |
1/14/25 |
2/11/25 |
NW District, Nodaway County, Construction of a two span girder Bridge and Roadway work. |
1/13/25 |
2/13/25 |
NW District, Grundy County, Road and Bridge Work |
1/13/25 |
2/18/25 |
KC District, City of Liberty, M-291/Blue Jay Drive Traffic Signal and Stewart Road/M-291 Intersection Improvements Project |
1/10/25 |
2/11/25 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Liberty, M-291/Blue Jay Drive Traffic Signal and Stewart Road/M-291 Intersection Improvements Project Addendum 1 |
1/27/25 |
2/11/25 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Liberty, M-291/Blue Jay Drive Traffic Signal and Stewart Road/M-291 Intersection Improvements Project Addendum 2 |
2/6/25 |
2/11/25 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, City of Liberty, M-291/Blue Jay Drive Traffic Signal and Stewart Road/M-291 Intersection Improvements Project Addendum 3 |
2/6/25 |
2/11/25 |
Addendum 4 |
KC District, City of Liberty, M-291/Blue Jay Drive Traffic Signal and Stewart Road/M-291 Intersection Improvements Project Addendum 4 |
2/6/25 |
2/11/25 |
NW District, Gentry County, Road and Bridge work |
1/7/25 |
1/13/25 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, Gentry County, Road and Bridge work Addendum 1 |
1/7/25 |
1/13/25 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, build-out of office spaces within an existing pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) including the installation of walls, ceilings, windows, doors, electric, etc |
1/6/25 |
1/30/25 |
Addendum 1 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, build-out of office spaces within an existing pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) including the installation of walls, ceilings, windows, doors, electric, etc |
1/23/25 |
1/30/25 |
Addendum 2 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, build-out of office spaces within an existing pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) including the installation of walls, ceilings, windows, doors, electric, etc Addendum 2 |
1/27/25 |
1/30/25 |
Addendum 3 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, build-out of office spaces within an existing pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) including the installation of walls, ceilings, windows, doors, electric, etc Addendum 3 |
2/5/25 |
2/7/25 |
Addendum 4 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, build-out of office spaces within an existing pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) including the installation of walls, ceilings, windows, doors, electric, etc Addendum 4 |
2/7/25 |
2/7/25 |
SW District, Vernon County Trapper Road Bridge Replacement |
1/2/25 |
1/29/25 |
SE District, Stoddard County, Road 752 Bridge Replacement |
12/30/24 |
1/27/25 |
SE District, Stoddard County, Road 766 Bridge Replacement |
12/30/24 |
1/27/25 |
Central District, Cole County, Railroad Avenue and Simpson Street Sidewalk Improvements. |
12/26/24 |
1/28/25 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Old Lemay Ferry Road is to add 5-foot shoulders throughout the length of the project |
12/26/24 |
1/28/25 |
SL District, City of Arnold, Lonedell Road Improvements |
12/26/24 |
1/22/25 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Arnold, Lonedell Road Improvements Addendum 1 |
1/15/25 |
1/22/25 |
SW District, Greene County, Demolition of an existing bridge and construction of a new bridge |
12/19/24 |
1/21/25 |
SW District, Greene County, Demolition of an existing bridge and construction of a new bridge Addendum 1 |
1/14/25 |
1/21/25 |
Addendum 2 |
SW District, Greene County, Demolition of an existing bridge and construction of a new bridge Addendum 2 |
1/16/25 |
1/21/25 |
NW District, City of Maryville, Proposal for the Construction of East Thompson Street Trail |
12/18/24 |
1/23/25 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, City of Maryville, Proposal for the Construction of East Thompson Street Trail Addendum 1 |
1/15/25 |
1/23/25 |
NW District, Grundy County, Road & Bridge Work |
12/17/24 |
1/14/25 |
NW District, Mercer County, Road & Bridge Work |
12/17/24 |
1/13/25 |
Central District, Morgan County, Bridge Replacement |
12/9/24 |
1/9/25 |
SW District, Henry County, NW 400 Road Bridge Replacement |
12/6/24 |
1/7/25 |
STL District, St. Charles County, High Street to Hackmann Road Sidewalk Improvements |
12/6/24 |
1/8/25 |
NW District, Carroll County, County Road 225 Bridge Replacement |
12/5/24 |
12/30/25 |
NE District, City of Kahoka, Sidewalk improvements along West Main Street from North Morgan Street heading East |
12/2/24 |
1/3/25 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, City of Kahoka, Sidewalk improvements along West Main Street from North Morgan Street heading East Addendum 1 |
1/3/25 |
1/3/25 |
SE District, City of Perryville, Star St. Sidewalk & Shared Use Path. |
11/25/24 |
12/19/24 |
NW District, Mercer County, Road & Bridge Work |
11/22/24 |
12/23/24 |
NW District, Caroll County, County Road 180 Bridge Replacement |
11/22/24 |
12/30/24 |
NE District, Audrain County, Courthouse Sidewalk Replacement Project |
11/20/24 |
12/2/24 |
NW District, Caldwell County, James Drive Bridge Replacement. |
11/20/24 |
12/17/24 |
SL District, City of O'Fallon, Main St. Phase 2 Improvements. |
11/20/24 |
12/19/24 |
Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority in Cape Girardeau and Scott Counties, Bill Bess Drive & Semo Port Office Pavement Improvements |
11/18/24 |
12/18/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority in Cape Girardeau and Scott Counties, Bill Bess Drive & Semo Port Office Pavement Improvements Addendum 1 |
12/16/24 |
12/18/24 |
TAP-9900(137) - NW District, City of Lathrop, Construction of ADA compliant Sidewalks and removal of existing improvements. |
11/15/24 |
12/16/24 |
TAP-9900(138) - NW District, City of Lathrop, Construction of ADA compliant Sidewalks and removal of existing improvements. |
11/15/24 |
12/16/24 |
Umlaut Industrial, LLC, construction of industrial rail track, manual turnouts, and other incidental items and work |
11/15/24 |
12/11/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Umlaut Industrial, LLC, construction of industrial rail track, manual turnouts, and other incidental items and work Addendum 1 |
12/6/24 |
12/11/24 |
KC District, Cass County, Bridge Replacement |
11/15/24 |
12/17/24 |
Jefferson County Port Authority, Grading, Removal of Improvements, Concrete Pavement, Guardrail, Concrete Curb Ramp, and Traffic Control. |
11/15/24 |
12/2/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Jefferson County Port Authority, Grading, Removal of Improvements, Concrete Pavement, Guardrail, Concrete Curb Ramp, and Traffic Control. Addendum 1 |
12/2/24 |
12/9/24 |
NE District, Monroe County, Construction of one span steel I-girder bridge |
11/13/24 |
12/12/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, Monroe County, Construction of one span steel I-girder bridge Addendum 1 |
12/3/24 |
12/12/24 |
St. Joseph Regional Port Authority, Construction of a sheet pile wall, excavation, rock blanket and geotextile fabric as detailed in the plans and specifications. |
11/12/24 |
12/6/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Joseph Regional Port Authority, Construction of a sheet pile wall, excavation, rock blanket and geotextile fabric as detailed in the plans and specifications. Addendum 1 |
12/5/24 |
12/6/24 |
Addendum 2 |
St. Joseph Regional Port Authority, Construction of a sheet pile wall, excavation, rock blanket and geotextile fabric as detailed in the plans and specifications Addendum 2 |
12/5/24 |
12/6/24 |
Addendum 3 |
St. Joseph Regional Port Authority, Construction of a sheet pile wall, excavation, rock blanket and geotextile fabric as detailed in the plans and specifications Addendum 3 |
12/5/24 |
12/6/24 |
NW District, DeKalb County, construction of a new 69’-0” single-span, steel I-girder bridge |
11/7/24 |
12/17/24 |
NW District, Nodaway County, Construction of a two-span, 130 foot long pre-stressed I Girder Bridge and associated roadway work |
11/7/24 |
12/12/24 |
SL District, City of Washington, improvements, traffic control, earthwork, pavement widening, striping, guardrail and other incidental items and work |
11/6/24 |
12/3/24 |
SE District, St. Francois County, West County School Sidewalk Improvements |
11/5/24 |
12/10/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SE District, St. Francois County, West County School Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 1 |
12/3/24 |
12/10/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SE District, St. Francois County, West County School Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 2 |
12/9/24 |
12/10/24 |
KC District, City of Wellington, Highway 131 sidewalk and ADA Enhancement |
11/5/24 |
12/3/24 |
SW District, City of Bolivar, Albany Avenue Predestrian and Stormwater Improvements |
11/4/24 |
12/4/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, City of Bolivar, Albany Avenue Predestrian and Stormwater Improvements Addendum 1 |
11/12/24 |
12/4/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SW District, City of Bolivar, Albany Avenue Predestrian and Stormwater Improvements Addendum 2 |
11/27/24 |
12/4/24 |
Addendum 3 |
SW District, City of Bolivar, Albany Avenue Predestrian and Stormwater Improvements Addendum 3 |
11/27/24 |
12/4/24 |
NW District, Gentry County, Road & Bridge Work |
11/01/24 |
12/02/24 |
SL District, City of St. Louis, Cortex – Tower Grove Connector Phase 1 Cycle Track |
10/30/24 |
12/03/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of St. Louis, Cortex – Tower Grove Connector Phase 1 Cycle Track Addendum 1 |
11/27/24 |
12/10/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, City of St. Louis, Cortex – Tower Grove Connector Phase 1 Cycle Track Addendum 2 |
12/6/24 |
12/10/24 |
Addendum 3 |
SL District, City of St. Louis, Cortex – Tower Grove Connector Phase 1 Cycle Track Addendum 3 |
12/6/24 |
12/10/24 |
Addendum 4 |
SL District, City of St. Louis, Cortex – Tower Grove Connector Phase 1 Cycle Track Addendum 4 |
12/10/24 |
12/17/24 |
SL District, City of Wentzville, Wentzville Parkway Sidewalk Extension |
10/24/24 |
11/13/24 |
SL District, City of Creve Coeur, Roadway & Sidewalk - Lindbergh/Old Olive Improvement |
10/24/24 |
12/10/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Creve Coeur, Roadway & Sidewalk - Lindbergh/Old Olive Improvement Addendum 1 |
12/2/24 |
12/10/24 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Project Redbird (North) Phase 2 |
10/24/24 |
11/19/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Project Redbird (North) Phase 2 Addendum 1 |
11/19/24 |
11/19/24 |
SW District, Ozarks Transportation Organization, Electric Vehicle Charger Installation |
10/23/24 |
01/31/25 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, Ozarks Transportation Organization, Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Addendum 1 |
1/27/25 |
1/31/25 |
SE District, New Madrid County, North Harbor Road Improvements |
10/18/24 |
11/08/24 |
KC District, City of Kansas City, Front St. Reconstruction- Chouteau to N Topping |
10/18/24 |
11/19/24 |
SL District, City of O'Fallon, Route K & N Improvements |
10/17/24 |
11/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of O'Fallon, Route K & N Improvements Addendum 1 |
11/13/24 |
11/14/24 |
KC District, City of Kansas City, Blue River Martha Truman Connector Trail |
10/16/24 |
11/06/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Kansas City, Blue River Martha Truman Connector Trail Addendum 1 |
10/31/24 |
11/06/24 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Kansas City, Blue River Martha Truman Connector Trail Addendum 2 |
10/31/24 |
11/06/24 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, City of Kansas City, Blue River Martha Truman Connector Trail Addendum 3 |
10/31/24 |
11/06/24 |
Central District, City of Jefferson City, Highway 179 Bypass Trail |
10/16/24 |
11/14/24 |
SL District, City of Crystal City, Taylor Avenue Sidewalk Improvements |
10/16/24 |
11/21/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Crystal City, Taylor Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 1 |
11/15/24 |
11/21/24 |
SL District, City of St. Louis, Tucker Boulevard Cycle Track between Washington Avenue & Choteau Avenue (Route 100) |
10/16/24 |
11/19/24 |
SW District, City of Ozark, Chadwick Flyer Trail |
10/16/24 |
11/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, City of Ozark, Chadwick Flyer Trail Addendum 1 |
11/01/24 |
11/14/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SW District, City of Ozark, Chadwick Flyer Trail Addendum 2 |
11/6/24 |
11/14/24 |
SE District, Dunklin County, TKX Kennett Memorial Airport |
10/16/24 |
11/19/24 |
SW District, City of Springfield, Chadwick Flyer Trail – Crenshaw Trailhead Improvements |
10/09/24 |
10/28/24 |
KC District, Pettis County, Cedar Drive & Route HH Improvements |
10/09/24 |
10/31/24 |
SE District, City of Sikeston, Sikeston's Transportation Alternatives Program |
10/07/24 |
10/31/24 |
KC District, City of Riverside City, Vivion Rd Trail - SEGMENT 1 |
10/07/24 |
11/07/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Riverside City, Vivion Rd Trail - SEGMENT 1 Addendum 1 |
11/12/24 |
11/14/24 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Riverside City, Vivion Rd Trail - SEGMENT 1 Addendum 2 |
11/12/24 |
11/14/24 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, City of Riverside City, Vivion Rd Trail - SEGMENT 1 Addendum 3 |
11/12/24 |
11/14/24 |
Addendum 4 |
KC District, City of Riverside City, Vivion Rd Trail - SEGMENT 1 Addendum 4 |
11/12/24 |
11/14/24 |
SW District, City of Springfield, Bridge Replacement Improvements - West Walnut Street |
10/07/24 |
10/29/24 |
NE District, Pike County, Construction of Roadway Improvements |
10/04/24 |
10/31/24 |
Central District, City of Boonville, Fill Material Hauling II |
10/03/24 |
10/22/24 |
KC District, City of Gladstone, Linden Connector Trail |
10/03/24 |
10/15/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Gladstone, Linden Connector Trail Addendum 1 |
10/04/24 |
10/15/24 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Gladstone, Linden Connector Trail Addendum 2 |
10/04/24 |
10/15/24 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, City of Gladstone, Linden Connector Trail Addendum 3 New Bid Date |
10/04/24 |
10/29/24 |
Addendum 4 |
KC District, City of Gladstone, Linden Connector Trail Addendum 4 |
10/23/24 |
10/29/24 |
SE District, City of Farmington, Highway H Sidewalk Improvements |
10/01/24 |
11/05/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SE District, City of Farmington, Highway H Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 1 |
10/29/24 |
11/05/24 |
KC District, City of Independence, 23rd Street (M-78) Complete Streets – Phase 2 |
10/01/24 |
10/25/24 |
SL District, City of St. Charles, 21STR21 - Hawks Nest Rehabilitation |
09/30/24 |
10/24/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of St. Charles, 21STR21 - Hawks Nest Rehabilitation Addendum 1 |
10/09/24 |
10/24/24 |
KC District, City of Lee's Summit, 3rd Street Improvements |
09/30/24 |
10/30/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Lee's Summit, 3rd Street Improvements Addendum 1 |
10/25/24 |
10/30/24 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Lee's Summit, 3rd Street Improvements Addendum 2 New Bid Date |
10/30/24 |
11/05/24 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, City of Lee's Summit, 3rd Street Improvements Addendum 3 |
11/5/24 |
11/5/24 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, City of Lee's Summit, 3rd Street Improvements Addendum 3 |
11/05/24 |
11/05/24 |
KC District, City of Lee's Summit, Pryor Road Improvements |
09/30/24 |
10/21/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Lee's Summit, Pryor Road Improvements Addendum 1 New Bid Date |
10/25/24 |
10/29/24 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Lee's Summit, Pryor Road Improvements Addendum 2 |
10/25/24 |
10/29/24 |
SL District, City of St. Charles, Sibley Street Sidewalk TAP Improvements |
9/27/24 |
10/25/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of St. Charles, Sibley Street Sidewalk TAP Improvements Addendum 1 |
10/11/24 |
10/25/24 |
SL District, City of O'Fallon, Weldon Spring Road, Phase I |
9/26/24 |
10/23/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of O'Fallon, Weldon Spring Road, Phase I Addendum 1 |
10/16/24 |
10/23/24 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Lindeman Road Improvements |
9/26/24 |
10/18/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Lindeman Road Improvements Addendum 1 New Bid Date |
09/30/24 |
10/25/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Lindeman Road Improvements Addendum 2 |
10/09/24 |
10/25/24 |
Addendum 3 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Lindeman Road Improvements Addendum 3 |
10/11/24 |
10/25/24 |
Addendum 4 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Lindeman Road Improvements Addendum 4 |
10/11/24 |
10/25/24 |
Addendum 5 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Lindeman Road Improvements Addendum 5 |
10/17/24 |
10/25/24 |
Addendum 6 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Lindeman Road Improvements Addendum 6 |
10/22/24 |
10/25/24 |
Addendum 7 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Lindeman Road Improvements Addendum 7 |
10/24/24 |
10/25/24 |
SL District, County of Jefferson, Dulin Creek Road Safety Improvements |
9/26/24 |
10/22/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, County of Jefferson, Dulin Creek Road Safety Improvements Addendum 1 |
10/17/24 |
10/22/24 |
New Madrid County Port Authority, 2024 Capital Improvements, Tree Clearing and Compacted Fill |
9/25/24 |
10/18/24 |
SL District, City of Valley Park, St Louis Avenue Phase 3 Improvements |
9/25/24 |
11/07/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Valley Park, St Louis Avenue Phase 3 Improvements Addendum 1 |
10/30/24 |
11/07/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, City of Valley Park, St Louis Avenue Phase 3 Improvements Addendum 2 |
11/5/24 |
11/7/24 |
NE District, County of Macon, Road & Bridge Work |
9/23/24 |
10/24/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, County of Macon, Road & Bridge Work Addendum 1 |
10/17/24 |
10/24/24 |
NE District, City of Kahoka, Downtown Sidewalk Project |
9/23/24 |
10/23/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, City of Kahoka, Downtown Sidewalk Project Addendum 1 |
10/08/24 |
10/23/24 |
SW District, City of Warsaw, Proposal for Main Street Complete Street Improvements |
9/23/24 |
10/24/24 |
SL District, City of Washington, 2024 Don Avenue and Pottery Road Intersection Project |
9/23/24 |
10/10/24 |
SL District, County of St. Charles County, Dardenne Prairie Fiber Interconnect to Traffic Signals |
9/20/24 |
10/15/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, County of St. Charles County, Dardenne Prairie Fiber Interconnect to Traffic Signals Addendum 1 |
10/16/24 |
10/15/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, County of St. Charles County, Dardenne Prairie Fiber Interconnect to Traffic Signals Addendum 2 New Bid Date |
10/16/24 |
10/17/24 |
SL District, County of St. Charles County, Augusta Bottom Road Bridge Replacement |
9/20/24 |
10/26/24 |
SE District, County of Reynolds, County Road 906 Bridge Replacement Project |
6/19/24 |
10/21/24 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, West Essex Avenue Reconstruction |
9/19/24 |
10/11/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, West Essex Avenue Reconstruction - Addendum 1 |
10/01/24 |
10/11/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, West Essex Avenue Reconstruction - Addendum 2 New Bid Date |
10/02/24 |
11/01/24 |
Addendum 3 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, West Essex Avenue Reconstruction - Addendum 3 |
10/09/24 |
11/01/24 |
Addendum 4 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, West Essex Avenue Reconstruction - Addendum 4 |
10/16/24 |
11/01/24 |
Addendum 5 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, West Essex Avenue Reconstruction - Addendum 5 |
10/31/24 |
11/01/24 |
NE District, County of Pike, Construction of approximately 580 linear feet of new 6-foot sidewalk with curb and gutter and handrail |
9/18/24 |
10/17/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, County of Pike, Construction of approximately 580 linear feet of new 6-foot sidewalk with curb and gutter and handrail Addendum 1 |
10/08/24 |
10/17/24 |
SL District, City of Vinita Park, North and South Road Sidewalk Improvements Phase II |
9/17/24 |
10/11/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Vinita Park, North and South Road Sidewalk Improvements Phase II Addendum 1 |
10/11/24 |
10/11/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, City of Vinita Park, North and South Road Sidewalk Improvements Phase II Addendum 2 New Bid Date |
10/11/24 |
10/17/24 |
Addendum 3 |
SL District, City of Vinita Park, North and South Road Sidewalk Improvements Phase II Addendum 3 |
10/17/24 |
10/17/24 |
Central District, County of Osage, County Road 625 Bridge Replacement |
9/16/24 |
10/17/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Central District, County of Osage, County Road 625 Bridge Replacement Addendum 1 |
10/08/24 |
10/17/24 |
SL District, City of Lake Saint Louis, Lake Saint Louis Boulevard Sidewalk Enhancement Project |
9/16/24 |
10/24/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Lake Saint Louis, Lake Saint Louis Boulevard Sidewalk Enhancement Project Addendum 1 |
10/18/24 |
10/24/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, City of Lake Saint Louis, Lake Saint Louis Boulevard Sidewalk Enhancement Project Addendum 2 |
10/24/24 |
10/24/24 |
Central District, Bobcat and Atlanta Road Bridge Replacement |
9/16/24 |
10/15/24 |
KC District, City of Belton, Markey Parkway Extension |
9/13/24 |
10/16/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Belton, Markey Parkway Extension Addendum 1 New Bid Date |
9/23/24 |
10/07/24 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Belton, Markey Parkway Extension Addendum 2 |
09/30/24 |
10/07/24 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, City of Belton, Markey Parkway Extension Addendum 3 |
10/03/24 |
10/07/24 |
NW District, City of Savannah Sidewalk Project |
9/12/24 |
10/16/24 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Gravois Road, Northwest School, Two Way Left Turn Lane |
9/12/24 |
10/8/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Gravois Road, Northwest School, Two Way Left Turn Lane Addendum 1 |
09/30/24 |
10/08/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Gravois Road, Northwest School, Two Way Left Turn Lane Addendum 2 |
10/07/24 |
10/08/24 |
NW District, County of DeKalb, Constructing Bridge No. 21400063 |
9/10/24 |
10/8/24 |
NW District, County of Putnam, Constructing Bridge No. 13200141 |
9/10/24 |
10/15/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, County of Putnam, Constructing Bridge No. 13200141 Addendum 1 |
10/11/24 |
10/15/24 |
NE District, County of Knox, Constructing Bridge No. 1490012 |
9/9/24 |
10/7/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, County of Knox, Constructing Bridge No. 1490012 Addendum 1 |
10/03/24 |
10/07/24 |
County of St. Charles, Femme Osage Creek Road Bridge Replacement |
9/6/24 |
10/16/24 |
County of Butler, County Road 206 Bridge Replacement |
9/6/24 |
10/4/24 |
City of Buffalo, Buffalo Municipal Airport (H17), Install New U-Fuel 4000 Gallon, 2 product, Box Station with Dispenser and Point System and Associated Improvements, Such as Concrete Pads, Bollards, and Utilities |
9/4/24 |
9/19/24 |
Northwest Missouri Regional Airport Maryville, Schedule I Construct Hanger |
9/4/23 |
9/26/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Northwest Missouri Regional Airport Maryville, Schedule I Construct Hanger Addendum 1 |
9/4/24 |
9/26/24 |
Addendum 2 |
Northwest Missouri Regional Airport Maryville, Schedule I Construct Hanger Addendum 2 |
9/27/24 |
9/26/24 |
City of Boonville, Missouri Jesse Viertel Memorial Airport (VER) Rebid |
9/4/24 |
9/24/24 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, Office Space Build-Out Advertisement updated 9/4/2024 |
9/3/24 |
10/3/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, Office Space Build-Out Addendum 1 |
9/24/24 |
10/3/24 |
KC District, Jackson County, removal of the existing cast-in-place culvert and installation of a single span bridge with prestressed concrete I-girders |
8/29/24 |
10/1/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, Jackson County, removal of the existing cast-in-place culvert and installation of a single span bridge with prestressed concrete I-girders Addendum 1 |
9/24/24 |
10/1/24 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, Jackson County, removal of the existing cast-in-place culvert and installation of a single span bridge with prestressed concrete I-girders Addendum 2 New Bid Date |
9/26/24 |
10/8/24 |
Repost |
Central District, Washington County, Dugout Road Bridge Replacement |
8/28/24 |
9/30/24 |
Central District, Crawford County, Construction of Benton Creek Road Bridge and Little Shoal Creek Road Bridge |
8/28/24 |
9/24/24 |
SE District, Cape Girardeau County, furnishing all labor, tools, equipment and materials for site grading and preparation, furnishing and placing of embankment and aggregate base |
8/27/24 |
9/17/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SE District, Cape Girardeau County, furnishing all labor, tools, equipment and materials for site grading and preparation, furnishing and placing of embankment and aggregate base Addendum 1 |
9/13/24 |
9/17/24 |
SE District, City of Scott City, removal of existing improvements, construction of a new concrete sidewalk connections, ramps, entrances, storm drainage |
8/27/24 |
9/24/24 |
Central District, Miller County, The rehabilitation of approximately 12,000 SY of pavement along Midway Road |
8/26/24 |
9/23/24 |
NW District, Mercer County, Proposal for constructing Bridge No. 25200072 |
8/23/24 |
9/30/24 |
NW District, Chariton County, Proposal for constructing Bridge No. 34300252 |
8/23/24 |
9/23/24 |
SE District, City of Perryville, work includes: excavation, grading, concrete shared use paths and sidewalks, stormwater piping, seeding/strawing, and other related construction |
8/23/24 |
9/12/24 |
STL District, City of Florissant, Rue Saint Denis Street – Phase I Road Improvements |
8/23/24 |
9/16/24 |
STL District, City of Washington, 2024 Earth Crest Extension – Bridge Project |
8/21/24 |
9/20/24 |
SW District, Cedar County, Construction of a 105-foot long, single span prestressed concrete NU-Girder bridge with minor road work |
8/19/24 |
9/16/24 |
St. Charles County, Zumbehl Rd, Elm St, Fifth St, and Kingshighway Performance Measures Improvements Project |
8/19/24 |
9/25/24 |
SL District, St. Charles County, Jungermann Rd, Spencer Rd, and Salt Lick Rd Signal Performance Measures Improvements Project |
8/19/24 |
9/25/24 |
SE District, City of Sikeston, grading and sidewalk construction along Northwest Street |
8/19/24 |
9/13/24 |
STL District, City of De Soto, N. Main Street Improvements Phase 2 |
8/14/24 |
9/26/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of De Soto, N. Main Street Improvements Phase 2 Addendum 1 |
9/18/24 |
9/26/24 |
Central District, City of Holts Summit, Construction of sidewalk, sidewalk ramps, driveway approaches, of sidewalk along South Summit Drive |
8/13/24 |
9/4/24 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis City, 20th Street Mobility Improvements, street reconstruction, rebuild sidewalks, traffic signal upgrades, and mill and overlay |
8/13/24 |
9/17/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis City, 20th Street Mobility Improvements, street reconstruction, rebuild sidewalks, traffic signal upgrades, and mill and overlay Addendum 1 |
8/28/24 |
9/17/24 |
Addendum 2 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis City, 20th Street Mobility Improvements, street reconstruction, rebuild sidewalks, traffic signal upgrades, and mill and overlay Addendum 2 |
9/5/24 |
9/17/24 |
Addendum 3 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis City, 20th Street Mobility Improvements, street reconstruction, rebuild sidewalks, traffic signal upgrades, and mill and overlay Addendum 3 |
9/12/24 |
9/17/24 |
STL District, Town of Augusta, Sidewalk Improvements – High St. to Hackmann Rd |
8/12/24 |
9/12/24 |
STL District and County, Paul Avenue – Elizabeth Avenue Resurfacing |
8/12/24 |
9/18/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District and County, Paul Avenue – Elizabeth Avenue Resurfacing Addendum 1 |
9/11/24 |
9/18/24 |
STL District, Jefferson County, adding safety improvements to Hunning Road from Elizabeth Lane to north of Acres Industrial Drive. |
8/12/24 |
9/17/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, Jefferson County, adding safety improvements to Hunning Road from Elizabeth Lane to north of Acres Industrial Drive Addendum 1 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, Jefferson County, adding safety improvements to Hunning Road from Elizabeth Lane to north of Acres Industrial Drive Addendum 2 |
9/6/24 |
9/17/24 |
Addendum 3 |
STL District, Jefferson County, adding safety improvements to Hunning Road from Elizabeth Lane to north of Acres Industrial Drive Addendum 3 |
9/11/24 |
9/27/24 |
SW District, City of Golden City, Sidewalk Improvements |
8/12/24 |
9/5/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, City of Golden City, Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 1 |
8/19/24 |
9/5/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SW District, City of Golden City, Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 2 |
8/27/24 |
9/5/24 |
SW District, City of Republic, Removal and connection to existing Shuyler Creek Trail |
8/7/24 |
8/28/24 |
Maryville Northwest Missouri Regional Airport, State Block Grant Project |
8/7/24 |
9/12/24 |
St. Charles County, Main St Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) Upgrades |
8/7/24 |
9/4/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Charles County, Main St Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) Upgrades Addendum 1 |
8/15/24 |
9/25/24 |
City of Owensville, 2.4 mile conversion of Rock Island Railroad Corridor to pedestrian and bicycle trail. Eight road crossing with signage, stripping and access control bollards. |
8/7/24 |
9/10/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Owensville, 2.4 mile conversion of Rock Island Railroad Corridor to pedestrian and bicycle trail. Eight road crossing with signage, stripping and access control bollards. Addendum 1 |
9/6/24 |
9/9/24 |
Central District, Washington County, Culvert Replacement Bundle |
8/6/24 |
9/9/24 |
STL District, City of Dellwood, asphalt pavement milling, fiber-reinforced surface course asphalt, construction of new 108 LF concrete rolled curb, and other misc. pavement repairs |
8/6/24 |
8/28/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Dellwood, asphalt pavement milling, fiber-reinforced surface course asphalt, construction of new 108 LF concrete rolled curb, and other misc. pavement repairs Addendum 1 |
8/21/24 |
8/28/24 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, City of Dellwood, asphalt pavement milling, fiber-reinforced surface course asphalt, construction of new 108 LF concrete rolled curb, and other misc. pavement repairs Addendum 2 |
8/23/24 |
8/28/24 |
St. Francois County, West County School Sidewalk Improvements |
8/5/24 |
9/10/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Francois County, West County School Sidewalk Improvements, Addendum 1 |
9/3/24 |
9/10/24 |
City of Rolla, Route E Sidewalk Improvements |
8/1/24 |
8/21/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Rolla, Route E Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 1 |
8/19/24 |
8/21/24 |
Addendum 2 |
City of Rolla, Route E Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 2 |
8/20/24 |
8/21/24 |
New Madrid County, Port Authority 2024 Capital Improvements Steel Piling Wall System |
7/31/24 |
8/28/24 |
City of St. Charles, reconstruct South Fifth Street from Fairgrounds Road to San Juan Drive with new concrete pavement with integral curb, construct new asphalt parking lots, etc.. |
7/30/24 |
8/22/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of St. Charles, reconstruct South Fifth Street from Fairgrounds Road to San Juan Drive with new concrete pavement with integral curb, construct new asphalt parking lots, etc.. Addendum 1 |
8/19/24 |
8/22/24 |
City of Wildwood, Manchester Road and Taylor Road Resurfacing, Traffic Signal, and ADA Upgrades |
7/30/24 |
8/29/24 |
City of Fredericktown, N. Chambers Drive and Garrett Street Sidewalk Improvements |
7/29/24 |
8/27/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Fredericktown, N. Chambers Drive and Garrett Street Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 1 |
8/20/24 |
8/27/24 |
Central District, Miller County, Bridge Replacement |
7/29/24 |
8/23/24 |
City of Buffalo, Buffalo Municiple Airport (H17), install a new U-Fuel 4000 gallon, 2 product, box station with dispenser, etc. |
7/26/24 |
8/27/24 |
RE-Post |
City of Fulton, installation of sixteen (16) Accessible Pedestrian Signal’s (APS’s), new cabinet, controller, wiring, sidewalk/curb ramp improvements and other incidental items and work, along Business 54 South at the 4th Street and 5th Street signalized intersections |
7/23/24 |
8/15/24 |
NE District, City of Mexico, Muldrow Phase II Sidewalk Improvements Project |
7/22/24 |
8/16/24 |
St. Louis District, City of Ballwin, Ries Road Improvements |
7/22/24 |
9/19/24 |
St. Louis District, City of Ballwin, Ries Road Improvements Addendum 1 |
9/11/24 |
9/19/24 |
SE District, City of Dexter, add additional Shared Use Path(s) in Boon Park, then connect Boon Park to Dexter Middle and Elementary Schools. |
7/22/24 |
8/21/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SE District, City of Dexter, add additional Shared Use Path(s) in Boon Park, then connect Boon Park to Dexter Middle and Elementary Schools. Addendum 1 |
8/19/24 |
8/21/24 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Renovation and Restoration of the Historic Kirkwood Train Station |
7/22/24 |
8/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Renovation and Restoration of the Historic Kirkwood Train Station Addendum 1 |
8/7/24 |
8/14/24 |
Addendum 6 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Renovation and Restoration of the Historic Kirkwood Train Station Addendum 6 |
8/9/24 |
8/14/24 |
Addendum 7 |
SL District, City of Kirkwood, Renovation and Restoration of the Historic Kirkwood Train Station Addendum 7 |
8/9/24 |
8/14/24 |
SW District, City of Willard, Mill & Overlay of Jackson Street |
7/19/24 |
8/20/24 |
NE District, City of Moberly, Moberly Industrial Park Road Extension Project |
7/19/24 |
8/16/24 |
SE District, Cape Girardeau County, County Road 420 & 436 Bridge Replacements |
7/17/24 |
8/15/24 |
NW District, Gentry County, Road & Bridge Work |
7/17/24 |
8/19/24 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis County, Chesterfield Parkway West (south), resurfacing, upgrading curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades between Wild Horse Creek Road and Fontaine Drive |
7/16/24 |
8/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis County, Chesterfield Parkway West (south), resurfacing, upgrading curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades between Wild Horse Creek Road and Fontaine Drive Addendum 1 |
8/6/24 |
8/14/24 |
Holt County, Ironwood Road, Bridge Replacement |
7/15/24 |
8/12/24 |
City of Rosebud, Highway 50 at Route T Crosswalk, Construction of sidewalk and sidewalk ramps for a pedestrian crossing |
7/15/24 |
8/27/24 |
City of St. Robert, Construction of ADA accessible sidewalks, crosswalks, utility relocation, and retaining walls. |
7/10/24 |
8/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of St. Robert, Construction of ADA accessible sidewalks, crosswalks, utility relocation, and retaining walls. Addendum 1 |
8/6/24 |
8/14/24 |
Washington County, Dugout Road Bridge Replacement |
7/10/24 |
8/12/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Washington County, Dugout Road Bridge Replacement Addendum 1 |
8/7/24 |
8/12/24 |
Re-Bid |
NW District, Andrew County, County Road 311 & 44, Bridge Replacement |
7/10/24 |
8/1/24 |
STL District, Franklin County, Lockhart Road Bridge Replacement |
7/8/24 |
8/6/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, Franklin County, Lockhart Road Bridge Replacement Addendum 1 |
7/30/24 |
8/6/24 |
SW District, City of Joplin, Intersection Improvements at 15th Street and Rangeline Road (BL 49) and extension |
7/8/24 |
7/30/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, City of Joplin, Intersection Improvements at 15th Street and Rangeline Road (BL 49) and extension Addendum 1 |
7/29/24 |
7/30/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SW District, City of Joplin, Intersection Improvements at 15th Street and Rangeline Road (BL 49) and extension Addendum 2 |
7/29/24 |
7/30/24 |
KC District, Platte County, County Line Road North/South Bridge Replacement |
7/2/24 |
8/2/24 |
STL District, City of Eureka, Allenton Road Improvements |
7/1/24 |
7/30/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Eureka, Allenton Road Improvements Addendum 1 |
7/17/24 |
7/30/24 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, City of Eureka, Allenton Road Improvements Addendum 2 |
7/25/24 |
7/30/24 |
Addendum 3 |
STL District, City of Eureka, Allenton Road Improvements Addendum 3 |
7/29/24 |
7/30/24 |
STL District, City of Frontenac, Geyer Road, Road Improvements |
7/1/24 |
8/1/24 |
SL District, City of Glendale, East Essex Avenue from Dickson Street to North Sappington Road consisting of installing new roadway resurfacing pavement and texturing, concrete sidewalk |
6/28/24 |
7/26/24 |
City of Smithville, 2024 Commercial Avenue Pedestrian Improvements |
6/26/24 |
7/30/24 |
STL District, STL County, Midland Boulevard between Canton Avenue and Page Avenue, replacing traffic signals, roadway resurfacing and upgrading curb ramps |
6/24/24 |
7/24/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, STL County, Midland Boulevard between Canton Avenue and Page Avenue, replacing traffic signals, roadway resurfacing and upgrading curb ramps Addendum 1 |
6/25/24 |
7/24/24 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, STL County, Midland Boulevard between Canton Avenue and Page Avenue, replacing traffic signals, roadway resurfacing and upgrading curb ramps Addendum 2 |
7/16/24 |
7/24/24 |
Central District, Washington County, Procuring the Precast Concrete Box Culvert as dimensioned in the attached plans |
6/24/24 |
7/15/24 |
KC District, Platte County Public Works Interurban Road Bridge Maintenance. |
6/20/24 |
7/15/24 |
NW District, City of Hamilton, construction of sidewalks and entrance/exit ramps from existing roadways as well as installation of streetlights, striped crosswalks, crosswalk islands, and handrails. |
6/18/24 |
7/25/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, City of Hamilton, construction of sidewalks and entrance/exit ramps from existing roadways as well as installation of streetlights, striped crosswalks, crosswalk islands, and handrails. Addendum 1 |
7/19/2024 |
7/25/24 |
SW District, Vernon County, Yater Road Bridge Replacement. |
6/18/24 |
7/17/24 |
STL District, City of Washington, asphalt resurfacing with full width cold mill, removal and replacement of all sidewalks and curb and gutter |
6/17/24 |
7/25/24 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, City of Washington, asphalt resurfacing with full width cold mill, removal and replacement of all sidewalks and curb and gutter Addendum 2 |
7/23/24 |
7/25/24 |
NW District, Livingston County, removal of the existing bridge and construction of a concrete deck girder bridge |
6/14/24 |
7/18/24 |
NW District, Clinton County, Construction of a 91-foot long, prestressed concrete NU-Girder span bridge with minor road work, erosion control and guardrail installation in accordance with plans and specifications |
6/14/24 |
7/11/24 |
NW District, Carroll County, construction of a 101 ft long NU43 girder bridge with HP 12x53 piles and bolt on W-beam rail, and other required appurtenances. |
6/14/24 |
7/17/24 |
Kirksville Regional Airport, State Block Grant Project, Construct New Terminal Building, Reconstruct Terminal Parking Lot, Demolish Existing. |
6/14/24 |
6/27/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Kirksville Regional Airport, State Block Grant Project, Construct New Terminal Building, Reconstruct Terminal Parking Lot, Demolish Existing. Addendum 1 |
6/21/24 |
6/27/24 |
Addendum 2 |
Kirksville Regional Airport, State Block Grant Project, Construct New Terminal Building, Reconstruct Terminal Parking Lot, Demolish Existing. Addendum 2 |
6/21/24 |
6/27/24 |
Addendum 3 |
Kirksville Regional Airport, State Block Grant Project, Construct New Terminal Building, Reconstruct Terminal Parking Lot, Demolish Existing. Addendum 3 |
6/21/24 |
6/27/24 |
Addendum 4 |
Kirksville Regional Airport, State Block Grant Project, Construct New Terminal Building, Reconstruct Terminal Parking Lot, Demolish Existing. Addendum 4 |
6/25/24 |
6/27/24 |
Addendum 5 |
Kirksville Regional Airport, State Block Grant Project, Construct New Terminal Building, Reconstruct Terminal Parking Lot, Demolish Existing. Addendum 5 |
6/25/24 |
6/27/24 |
Addendum 6 |
Kirksville Regional Airport, State Block Grant Project, Construct New Terminal Building, Reconstruct Terminal Parking Lot, Demolish Existing. Addendum 6 |
6/27/24 |
6/27/24 |
SW District, Webster County, Cedar Bluff Road Bridge Replacement |
6/14/24 |
7/16/24 |
STL District, St. Louis City, Traffic Management Enhancements Phase 4 , traffic signal improvements at 6 intersections on Goodfellow Boulevard between Cote Brillante Avenue and McLaran Avenue, install PTZ cameras, and upgrade curb ramps |
6/12/24 |
7/16/24 |
SW District, City of Springfield, Pavement Resurfacing Project |
6/11/24 |
7/9/24 |
City of Dexter, Dexter Municipal Airport, Harry Bennett Drive, rehabilitate the runway pavement |
6/11/24 |
6/24/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Dexter, Dexter Municipal Airport, Harry Bennett Drive, rehabilitate the runway pavement Addendum 1 |
6/21/24 |
6/24/24 |
STL District, STL County, New Florissant Road pavement resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades between Washington Street and U.S. Highway 67 (Lindbergh Boulevard) |
6/11/24 |
7/10/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, STL County, New Florissant Road pavement resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades between Washington Street and U.S. Highway 67 (Lindbergh Boulevard) Addendum 1 |
7/1/24 |
7/10/24 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, STL County, New Florissant Road pavement resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades between Washington Street and U.S. Highway 67 (Lindbergh Boulevard) Addendum 2 |
7/8/24 |
7/24/24 |
Addendum 3 |
STL District, STL County, New Florissant Road pavement resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades between Washington Street and U.S. Highway 67 (Lindbergh Boulevard) Addendum 3 |
7/15/24 |
7/24/24 |
SW District, Christian County, Green Bridge Replacement. |
6/11/24 |
6/27/24 |
City of Cameron, contractor quality control program, silt fence, inlet protection, etc. |
6/10/24 |
6/20/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Cameron, contractor quality control program, silt fence, inlet protection, etc. Addendum 1 |
6/18/24 |
6/20/24 |
Addendum 2 |
City of Cameron, contractor quality control program, silt fence, inlet protection, etc. Addendum 2 |
6/21/24 |
6/20/24 |
STL District, City of Washington, clearing and grubbing, installation of 15” diameter sanitary sewer pipe and manholes with creek crossings. |
6/10/24 |
7/8/24 |
NEW Re-Bid |
City of Fulton, Crosswalk & Traffic Signal Safety Improvement Project |
6/6/24 |
7/11/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Fulton, Crosswalk & Traffic Signal Safety Improvement Project Addendum 1 |
6/21/24 |
7/11/24 |
SL District, CMAQ-5445(616),Jefferson County Port Authority, Perform marine vessel repowering installation entailing the vessel prep for hot work, dry-dock, crane work, etc.. |
SL District, CMAQ-5445(615),Jefferson County Port Authority, Perform marine vessel repowering installation entailing the vessel prep for hot work, dry-dock, crane work, etc.. |
5/31/24 |
6/28/24 |
SL District, CMAQ-5445(607), Jefferson County Port Authority, Perform marine vessel repowering installation entailing the vessel prep for hot work, dry-dock, crane work, etc.. |
5/31/24 |
6/28/24 |
City of Warsaw, Warsaw Municipal Airport, MoDOT Project No. 22-023 A-1 |
5/28/24 |
6/18/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Warsaw, Warsaw Municipal Airport, MoDOT Project No. 22-023 A-1 Addendum 1 |
6/14/24 |
6/18/24 |
Addendum 2 |
City of Warsaw, Warsaw Municipal Airport, MoDOT Project No. 22-023 A-1 Addendum 2 |
6/14/24 |
6/18/24 |
Washington County Airport, Mineral Point, Stat block Grant Project. |
5/28/24 |
6/24/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Washington County Airport, Mineral Point, Stat block Grant Project. |
6/14/24 |
6/24/24 |
Addendum 2 |
Washington County Airport, Mineral Point, Stat block Grant Project. Addendum 2 |
6/18/24 |
6/24/24 |
Addendum 3 |
Washington County Airport, Mineral Point, Stat block Grant Project. Addendum 3 |
6/18/24 |
6/24/24 |
Addendum 4 |
Washington County Airport, Mineral Point, Stat block Grant Project. Addendum 4 |
6/20/24 |
6/24/24 |
Addendum 5 |
Washington County Airport, Mineral Point, Stat block Grant Project. Addendum 5 |
6/21/24 |
6/24/24 |
NW District, Nodaway County, bridge replacement Addendum 1 |
5/24/24 |
6/27/24 |
NW District, Andrew County, county road 311 and county road 44 bridge replacement. |
5/24/24 |
6/27/24 |
NW District, Livingston County, road and bridge work. |
5/24/24 |
6/27/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, Livingston County, road and bridge work. Addendum 1 |
6/6/24 |
6/27/24 |
NW District, Clinton County, road and bridge work. |
5/24/24 |
6/25/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, Clinton County, road and bridge work. Addendum 1 |
6/6/24 |
6/25/24 |
SL District, Franklin County, Little Boone Road Bridge Replacement. |
5/23/24 |
7/11/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, Franklin County, Little Boone Road Bridge Replacement. Addendum 1 |
7/2/24 |
7/11/24 |
NW District, Chariton County, Proposal for constructing bridge. |
5/23/24 |
6/24/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, Chariton County, Proposal for constructing bridge. Addendum 1 |
6/6/24 |
6/24/24 |
City of Trenton, Trenton Municipal Airport, state Block Grant Project. |
5/22/24 |
6/13/24 |
KC District, City of Smithville, asphalt street replacement. |
5/21/24 |
6/18/24 |
KC District, Interchange improvements of I-470 and view high drive, grading, paving, storm drainage, lighting signals, etc. |
5/16/24 |
6/6/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, Interchange improvements of I-470 and view high drive, grading, paving, storm drainage, lighting signals, etc. Addendum 1 |
6/4/24 |
6/6/24 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, Interchange improvements of I-470 and view high drive, grading, paving, storm drainage, lighting signals, etc. Addendum 2 |
6/4/24 |
6/6/24 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, Interchange improvements of I-470 and view high drive, grading, paving, storm drainage, lighting signals, etc. Addendum 3 |
6/6/24 |
6/6/24 |
City of Branson, Branson West Municipal Airport - Emerson Field, This project will involve the following notable work items (Click on link for more detail). |
5/15/24 |
6/5/24 |
City of Higginsville, Higginsville Industrial Municipal Airport, Prospective bidders are hereby advised that the quantities indicated herein are approximate and are subject to change. |
5/15/24 |
6/5/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Higginsville, Higginsville Industrial Municipal Airport, Prospective bidders are hereby advised that the quantities indicated herein are approximate and are subject to change. Addendum 1 |
6/4/24 |
6/5/24 |
SE District, City of Perryville, excavation, grading, concrete shared use paths and sidewalks, etc. |
5/15/24 |
6/12/24 |
NE District, Pike County, Bridge Replacement |
5/13/24 |
6/10/24 |
Creve Coeur Airport St. Louis, State Block Grant Project |
5/9/24 |
5/28/24 |
STL District, Jefferson County, adding four-foot shoulders throughout the project limits, Extensive grading, slope reinforcement and the implementation of retaining walls |
5/9/24 |
6/4/24 |
STL District, City of Festus, street improvements to N. Mill Street |
5/9/24 |
6/13/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Festus, street improvements to N. Mill Street Addendum 1 |
6/6/24 |
6/13/24 |
Central District, Camden County, Road and Bridge work |
5/7/24 |
6/4/24 |
Howard-Cooper County Regional Port Authority, hauling of fill materials (i.e. dirt, rock, broken concrete, etc.) from the Rocheport Bridge project to the 18-acre site |
5/3/24 |
5/28/24 |
STL District, St. Charles County, furnishing of materials, tools, equipment and labor necessary to construct Gutermuth Road Phase III |
5/3/24 |
5/29/24 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, 3 jobs, provide and install doors, high-bay LED lights, provide rail materials. |
5/3/24 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, 3 jobs, provide and install doors, high-bay LED lights, provide rail materials. Addendum 1 |
5/14/24 |
Pemiscot County Port Authority, 3 jobs, provide and install doors, high-bay LED lights, provide rail materials. Addendum |
5/15/24 |
Marion-Ralls Regional Port Authority, Port Site Improvements Project |
4/30/24 |
5/21/24 |
City of Fulton, providing the labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of sixteen (16) Accessible Pedestrian Signal’s (APS’s), new cabinet, controller, wiring, sidewalk/curb ramp improvements and other incidental items and work, along Business 54 South at the 4th Street and 5th Street signalized intersections. |
4/30/24 |
5/30/24 |
NE District, Scotland County, construction of a 123’-0” long, single span, Prestressed Concrete NU63 Girder bridge |
4/26/24 |
5/30/24 |
SE District, City of West Plains, US Highway 160 Overpass, construction of roadway improvements |
4/25/24 |
6/10/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SE District, City of West Plains, US Highway 160 Overpass, construction of roadway improvements Addendum 1 |
5/23/24 |
6/10/24 |
Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority, Material Purchase |
4/25/24 |
5/21/24 |
St. Louis City, Hamilton Avenue Bridge over Metrolink tracks, remove and replace bridge, new sidewalks, curb ramps, street lighting, and utility relocations |
4/23/24 |
6/4/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis City, Hamilton Avenue Bridge over Metrolink tracks, remove and replace bridge, new sidewalks, curb ramps, street lighting, and utility relocations Addendum 1 |
5/16/24 |
6/4/24 |
Addendum 2 |
St. Louis City, Hamilton Avenue Bridge over Metrolink tracks, remove and replace bridge, new sidewalks, curb ramps, street lighting, and utility relocations Addendum 2 |
5/30/24 |
6/4/24 |
Jefferson City Air Traffic Control Tower, Construct air traffic control tower |
4/22/24 |
5/21/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Jefferson City Air Traffic Control Tower, Construct air traffic control tower Addendum 1 |
5/16/24 |
5/21/24 |
Addendum 3 |
Jefferson City Air Traffic Control Tower, Construct air traffic control tower Addendum 3 |
5/16/24 |
5/21/24 |
Addendum |
Jefferson City Air Traffic Control Tower, Construct air traffic control tower Addendum |
5/16/24 |
5/21/24 |
Addendum 4 |
Jefferson City Air Traffic Control Tower, Construct air traffic control tower Addendum 4 |
5/21/24 |
5/21/24 |
STL County, Union, Independence Drive, Missouri Eastern Railroad Union Transload Project. |
4/16/24 |
5/24/24 |
St. Louis County, Midland Boulevard (East), removal and replacement of deteriorated and/or damaged pavement, drive approaches, curbs and sidewalks, pavement surfacing and texturing, etc. |
4/15/24 |
5/22/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, Midland Boulevard (East), removal and replacement of deteriorated and/or damaged pavement, drive approaches, curbs and sidewalks, pavement surfacing and texturing, etc. Addendum 1 |
5/13/24 |
5/22/24 |
NW District, City of Maryville, Phase II, Reconstruction of approximately 0.7-mile section of South Main Street Corridor from State Highway V to 285th Street |
4/11/24 |
5/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, City of Maryville, Phase II, Reconstruction of approximately 0.7-mile section of South Main Street Corridor from State Highway V to 285th Street Addendum 1 |
5/6/24 |
5/14/24 |
SW District, City of Carl Junction, addition of approximately 643 lineal feet of 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk, including paved approaches, that will extend from where Phase V |
4/11/24 |
5/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, City of Carl Junction, addition of approximately 643 lineal feet of 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk, including paved approaches, that will extend from where Phase V Addendum 1 |
5/5/24 |
5/14/24 |
Repost |
City of Salem, Downtown Sidewalk Improvements |
4/11/24 |
5/2/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Salem, Downtown Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 1 |
4/26/24 |
5/2/24 |
SE District, City of Poplar Bluff, replace existing sidewalks along the north side of Vine Street on the street between 5th and Broadway |
4/11/24 |
5/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SE District, City of Poplar Bluff, replace existing sidewalks along the north side of Vine Street on the street between 5th and Broadway Addendum 1 |
5/7/24 |
5/14/24 |
City of Columbia, Christian Fellowship Road to Silvey Street, Scott Broadway Sidwalk Project. |
4/9/24 |
5/7/24 |
St. Louis County, Creve Coeur Mill Road, Resurfacing Project. |
4/8/24 |
5/8/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, Creve Coeur Mill Road, Resurfacing Project. Addendum 1 |
4/30/24 |
5/8/24 |
New Madrid County Port Authority, Capital Improvements Compacted Fill & Rip-rap. |
4/8/24 |
5/1/24 |
Osage County, Replacement Bridge, over Linn Creek |
4/2/24 |
5/7/24 |
City of Marshall, Marshall Memorial Municipal Airport Parallel Taxiway Reconstruction |
4/2/24 |
5/1/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Marshall, Marshall Memorial Municipal Airport Parallel Taxiway Reconstruction Addendum 1 |
4/8/24 |
5/1/24 |
Addendum 2 |
City of Marshall, Marshall Memorial Municipal Airport Parallel Taxiway Reconstruction Addendum 2 |
5/14/24 |
6/6/24 |
NW District, Daviess County, Demolition of an existing bridge and construction of a new structure. |
3/29/24 |
4/24/24 |
Mississippi Lime Company, Provide an adequate mobile transloader to handle quicklime products |
3/28/24 |
4/24/24 |
SE District, St. Francois County, Berry Road Bridge Project. |
3/26/24 |
4/30/24 |
SL District, City of Lake Saint Louis, Hawk Ridge Trail and Old Highway N Intersection Improvement |
3/22/24 |
4/18/24 |
NW District, Daviess County, Road and Bridge Work |
3/22/24 |
5/1/24 |
KC District, Ray County, Road and Bridge Work. |
3/22/24 |
5/2/24 |
NE District, Lincoln County, Bridge Replacement |
3/21/24 |
4/22/24 |
SW District, City of Ozark, construction of a ADA compliant concrete trail and ramps, earthwork, storm sewer, curb and gutter, pedestrian signal. |
3/21/24 |
4/18/24 |
City of Osage Beach City, extend existing Osage Beach Parkway to the south between Lazy Days Rd and Executive Dr. |
3/20/24 |
4/25/24 |
City of Boonville, Jesse Viertel Memorial Airport (VER), Reconstruct Taxlanes, Rehabilitate various Taxlanes. |
3/18/24 |
4/2/24 |
City of Boonville, Jesse Viertel Memorial Airport (VER), Reconstruct Taxlanes, Rehabilitate various Taxlanes. Addendum 1 |
3/27/24 |
4/2/24 |
City of Boonville, Jesse Viertel Memorial Airport (VER), Reconstruct Taxlanes, Rehabilitate various Taxlanes. Addendum 2 |
3/28/24 |
4/2/24 |
City of Boonville, Jesse Viertel Memorial Airport (VER), Reconstruct Taxlanes, Rehabilitate various Taxlanes. Addendum 3 |
3/28/24 |
4/2/24 |
St. Louis District, Des Peres, Des Peres Road Roundabout Project |
3/13/24 |
4/9/24 |
Phelps County, Construction of a 55-foot, single span slab beam bridge supported on pile footings. |
3/13/24 |
4/11/24 |
SE District, City of Cape Girardeau, removal of existing curbs, sidewalk, and street pavement, clearing and grubbing |
3/13/24 |
4/9/24 |
SE District, City of Poplar Bluff, project is to add a 1.6 mile concrete connector trail that will connect the Wolf Creek Trail to Highway PP Roundabout |
3/13/24 |
4/11/24 |
NW District, Chariton County, removal of the existing bridge and construction of a new bridge |
3/12/24 |
4/8/24 |
SL District, Jefferson County, rebuild Airport Road and Calvary Church Road. |
3/12/24 |
4/9/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, Jefferson County, rebuild Airport Road and Calvary Church Road. Addendum 1 |
4/3/24 |
4/9/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, Jefferson County, rebuild Airport Road and Calvary Church Road. Addendum 2 |
4/8/24 |
4/9/24 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Rebuild Castle Acres Road and River Cement Road |
3/12/24 |
4/9/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Rebuild Castle Acres Road and River Cement Road Addendum 1 |
4/3/24 |
4/9/24 |
Addendum 2 |
SL District, Jefferson County, Rebuild Castle Acres Road and River Cement Road Addendum 2 |
4/8/24 |
4/9/24 |
STL District, City of De Soto, street improvements to Clarke Street within the City of De Soto |
3/8/24 |
4/11/24 |
NW District, Linn Count, City of Brookfield, sidewalk project. |
3/8/24 |
4/16/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, Linn Count, City of Brookfield, sidewalk project. Addendum 1 |
4/9/24 |
4/18/24 |
NW District, Livingston County, Road and bridge work |
3/8/24 |
4/11/24 |
City of Bolivar, Bolivar Municipal Airport, Replace Runway |
3/6/24 |
3/28/24 |
Callaway County, County Road 419 over Stinson Creek, construction of a three-span prestressed beam-slab bridge with concrete abutments, concrete piers, etc. |
3/6/24 |
3/27/24 |
Callaway County, construction of a new single-span, steel girder bridge, with steel piling, concrete abutments, etc. |
3/5/24 |
3/27/24 |
NEW Rebid |
New Madrid Airport in New Madrid County, New Madrid Airport in New Madrid County |
3/5/24 |
4/4/24 |
NEW Rebid |
A. Paul Vance Fredricktown Memorial Airport in Madison County, Airport Runway 1/19 Pavement Maintenance |
3/5/24 |
3/28/24 |
SW District, Webster County, Construction of a 70-foot long, prestressed concrete box beam bridge with minor roadwork. |
3/4/24 |
4/2/24 |
KC District, Kansas City, KCI Corridor Trail Segments 2 and 3 |
2/26/24 |
3/19/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, Kansas City, KCI Corridor Trail Segments 2 and 3 Addendum 1 |
3/15/24 |
3/19/24 |
KC District, Kansas City, KCI Corridor Trail Segments 1 |
2/26/24 |
3/19/24 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, Kansas City, KCI Corridor Trail Segments 1 Addendum 1 |
3/15/24 |
3/19/24 |
NE District, City of Shelbina, Shelbina Lake Bridge Replacement and Spillway Improvements. |
2/21/24 |
3/20/24 |
NE District, City of Shelbina, Shelbina Lake Bridge Replacement and Spillway Improvements. Addendum 1 |
3/18/24 |
3/20/24 |
NE District, City of Shelbina, Shelbina Lake Bridge Replacement and Spillway Improvements. Addendum 2 |
3/20/24 |
3/27/24 |
NE District, City of Shelbina, Shelbina Lake Bridge Replacement and Spillway Improvements. Addendum 2 |
3/27/24 |
3/27/24 |
SE District, St. Francois County, Replace and aging bridge with a new single span bridge. |
2/20/24 |
3/19/24 |
City of Owensville, Springfield Road Extension |
2/20/24 |
3/12/24 |
STL District, City of Washington, Earth Crest Extension – Sanitary Sewer Project. |
2/15/24 |
2/28/24 |
SL District, Jefferson County, The replacement of Commerce Drive Bridge in Arnold |
2/15/24 |
3/12/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, Jefferson County, The replacement of Commerce Drive Bridge in Arnold Addendum 1 |
3/8/24 |
3/12/24 |
SW District, Village of Saddlebrooke, Removal of existing culvert and installation |
2/15/24 |
3/7/24 |
NW District, Mercer County, Proposal for constructing a bridge. |
2/9/24 |
3/18/24 |
NW District, Grude County, Proposal for constructing a bridge. |
2/9/24 |
3/12/24 |
New Madrid County Memorial Airport in New Madrid County, Project 23-080B-1 PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE RUNWAY18/36 Project at (EIW). |
2/2/24 |
2/13/24 |
SW, District, City of Fair Grove, Construction of sidewalk, access connections, culverts, and any incidental work related thereto, including street improvements. |
2/1/24 |
2/29/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SW, District, City of Fair Grove, Construction of sidewalk, access connections, culverts, and any incidental work related thereto, including street improvements. Addendum 1 |
2/27/24 |
2/29/24 |
City of St. Louis Port Authority, North Market ST, Rail Upgrade |
1/31/24 |
2/12/24 |
Re-Bid - St. Charles County, Mexico Rd Signal Performance Measures Improvements |
1/29/24 |
2/27/24 |
Re-Bid - St. Charles County, Muegge Rd Signal Performance Measures Improvements |
1/29/24 |
2/27/24 |
Re-Bid - St. Charles County, Mid Rivers Mall Drive Pkwy Signal Performance Measures Improvements |
1/29/24 |
2/27/24 |
Re-Bid - St. Charles County, Bryan Rd/Wentzville Pkwy Signal Performance Measures Improvements |
1/29/24 |
2/27/24 |
Jackson County. South Helmig Road Bridge Reconstruction on the Bonfire Portal. |
1/26/24 |
3/5/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Jackson County. South Helmig Road Bridge Reconstruction on the Bonfire Portal. Addendum 1 |
2/8/24 |
3/5/24 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Removal and replacement of Hudson Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek and removal and replacement of Vorhof Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek |
1/22/24 |
2/21/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Removal and replacement of Hudson Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek and removal and replacement of Vorhof Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek Addendum 1 |
1/30/24 |
2/21/24 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Removal and replacement of Hudson Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek and removal and replacement of Vorhof Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek Addendum 2 |
2/16/24 |
2/21/24 |
Addendum 3 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Removal and replacement of Hudson Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek and removal and replacement of Vorhof Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek Addendum 3 |
2/20/24 |
2/28/24 |
Addendum 4 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Removal and replacement of Hudson Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek and removal and replacement of Vorhof Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek Addendum 4 |
2/23/24 |
2/28/24 |
Addendum 5 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Removal and replacement of Hudson Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek and removal and replacement of Vorhof Drive Bridge over Black Jack Creek Addendum 5 |
2/23/24 |
2/28/24 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Weidman Road Resurfacing between Manchester Road and Turtle Cove Drive |
1/22/24 |
2/28/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, St. Louis County, Weidman Road Resurfacing between Manchester Road and Turtle Cove Drive Addendum 1 |
2/23/24 |
2/28/24 |
City of St. Martins, Central District, Grading, paving, and shoulder widening to provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities from just west of Carel Rd. to Henwick Lane |
1/23/24 |
2/13/24 |
City of Salem, Downtown Sidewalk Improvements |
1/18/24 |
2/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
City of Salem, Downtown Sidewalk Improvements Addendum 1 |
2/14/24 |
2/14/24 |
KC District, installation of closed-circuit cameras, traffic signal controllers in seven municipal jurisdictions and on MoDOT Right of Way |
1/17/24 |
2/13/24 |
STL District, City of Washington, asphalt paving, milling, and asphalt curb. |
1/17/24 |
2/16/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Washington, asphalt paving, milling, and asphalt curb. Addendum 1 |
2/1/24 |
2/16/24 |
STL District, City of Washington, construction of shared use path with ADA ramp, curb, and street light installation |
1/17/24 |
2/9/24 |
STL District, City of Festus, improvements to Main Street. |
1/16/24 |
2/21/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Festus, improvements to Main Street. Addendum 1 |
2/15/24 |
2/21/24 |
NW District, Nodaway County, Reconstruction of the east steps, ADA ramp sidewalk and adjacent section of the south parking lot of the Nodaway County Courthouse in Maryville |
1/16/24 |
2/15/24 |
NE District, Shelby County, construction of a new three-span, MODOT Type 3 prestressed concrete I-girder bridge with steel piling, concrete abutments, concrete pile encasements. |
1/12/24 |
2/26/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, Shelby County, construction of a new three-span, MODOT Type 3 prestressed concrete I-girder bridge with steel piling, concrete abutments, concrete pile encasements. Addendum 1 |
2/21/24 |
2/26/24 |
STL District, City of Fenton, Old Highway 141, street improvements |
1/12/24 |
2/15/24 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Fenton, Old Highway 141, street improvements addendum 1 |
2/7/24 |
2/15/24 |
NE District, City of Shelbina, Construction of a 75 foot, 5-span steel wide flange beam bridge on existing abutments and piers, approach roadway work, spillway repair work, and any incidental work |
1/12/24 |
2/12/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, City of Shelbina, Construction of a 75 foot, 5-span steel wide flange beam bridge on existing abutments and piers, approach roadway work, spillway repair work, and any incidental work Addendum 1 |
1/26/24 |
2/12/24 |
Addendum 2 |
NE District, City of Shelbina, Construction of a 75 foot, 5-span steel wide flange beam bridge on existing abutments and piers, approach roadway work, spillway repair work, and any incidental work Addendum 2 |
2/8/24 |
2/12/24 |
Addendum 3 |
NE District, City of Shelbina, Construction of a 75 foot, 5-span steel wide flange beam bridge on existing abutments and piers, approach roadway work, spillway repair work, and any incidental work Addendum 3 |
2/8/24 |
2/12/24 |
NW District, City of Gower, Reconstruction of 1 block of sidewalk |
1/12/24 |
1/23/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, City of Gower, Reconstruction of 1 block of sidewalk Addendum 1 |
1/31/24 |
St. Louis District, City of Des Peres, Lindemann Road Resurfacing and Sidewalk Improvements |
1/10/24 |
2/6/24 |
SE District, Texas County, Removal and replacement of existing superstructure including girders, deck panels, concrete diaphragm and concrete deck |
1/9/24 |
2/1/24 |
STL District, City of Crestwood, removal of existing bridge. |
1/9/24 |
2/22/24 |
St. Louis County, Bayless Avenue Bridge Number 419 over Gravois Creek, replace bridge. |
1/3/24 |
1/31/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, Bayless Avenue Bridge Number 419 over Gravois Creek, replace bridge. Addendum 1 |
1/17/24 |
1/31/24 |
Addendum 2 |
St. Louis County, Bayless Avenue Bridge Number 419 over Gravois Creek, replace bridge. Addendum 2 |
1/24/24 |
1/31/24 |
Addendum 3 |
St. Louis County, Bayless Avenue Bridge Number 419 over Gravois Creek, replace bridge. Addendum 3 |
1/26/24 |
1/31/24 |
St. Louis County, South Woods Mill Road at Conway Road Intersection, Pavement widening, traffic signal replacement, replace islands, and upgrade curb ramps. |
1/3/24 |
2/7/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, South Woods Mill Road at Conway Road Intersection, Pavement widening, traffic signal replacement, replace islands, and upgrade curb ramps. Addendum 1 |
1/30/24 |
2/7/24 |
St. Louis County, Kingsland Avenue between Delmar Boulevard and Vernon Avenue, Resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades |
1/3/24 |
2/7/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, Kingsland Avenue between Delmar Boulevard and Vernon Avenue, Resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades Addendum 1 |
1/30/24 |
2/7/24 |
St. Louis County, Larimore Road Sidewalk between Trampe Avenue and Gerona Street, build concrete sidewalk and curb ramps. |
1/3/24 |
2/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, Larimore Road Sidewalk between Trampe Avenue and Gerona Street, build concrete sidewalk and curb ramps. Addendum 1 |
2/9/24 |
2/14/24 |
St. Louis County, New Ballwin Road between Twigwood Drive and Oak Leaf Manor Court, Resurfacing, upgrading curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades. |
1/3/24 |
2/14/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, New Ballwin Road between Twigwood Drive and Oak Leaf Manor Court, Resurfacing, upgrading curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades. Addendum 1 |
2/9/24 |
2/14/24 |
St. Louis County, Midland Boulevard (East) between Woodson Road and North & South Road, Resurfacing, upgrading curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades. |
1/3/24 |
2/21/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, Midland Boulevard (East) between Woodson Road and North & South Road, Resurfacing, upgrading curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades. Addendum 1 |
2/16/24 |
2/21/24 |
Audrain County, Removal of existing culvert structures and construction of new culvert structures |
12/28/23 |
1/22/24 |
City of Jefferson, the furnishing of all material, labor, and equipment to construct raised pedestrian crosswalks at the intersection of Southwest Boulevard |
12/27/23 |
1/23/24 |
City of Jefferson, the furnishing of all material, labor, and equipment to construct raised pedestrian crosswalks at the intersection of Southwest Boulevard Addendum 1 |
1/22/24 |
1/23/24 |
St. Louis County, North Elizabeth Avenue from Milbank Drive to Chambers Road, resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and install traffic signal equipment |
12/27/23 |
1/31/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, North Elizabeth Avenue from Milbank Drive to Chambers Road, resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and install traffic signal equipment Addendum 1 |
1/24/24 |
1/31/24 |
Addendum 2 |
St. Louis County, North Elizabeth Avenue from Milbank Drive to Chambers Road, resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, and install traffic signal equipment Addendum 2 |
1/26/24 |
1/31/24 |
Pike County, 115 W Main St., Bowling Green, Maryland Street Bridge Replacement |
12/22/23 |
1/25/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Pike County, 115 W Main St., Bowling Green, Maryland Street Bridge Replacement Addendum 1
Receipt of Addendum
1/22/24 |
1/25/24 |
City of Fredericktown, A. Paul Vance Fredericktown Regional Airport, Pavement Maintenance |
12/21/23 |
1/23/24 |
Central District, Boone County, Road & Bridge Work. |
12/20/23 |
2/1/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Central District, Boone County, Road & Bridge Work. Addendum 1 |
1/30/24 |
2/1/24 |
St. Louis County, Hanley Road between Canton Avenue and Page Avenue (MO Route D), Resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, replace traffic signal equipment |
12/18/23 |
1/17/24 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis County, Hanley Road between Canton Avenue and Page Avenue (MO Route D), Resurfacing, upgrade curb ramps, replace traffic signal equipment Addendum 1 |
1/9/24 |
1/17/24 |
SW District, City of Urich, 7th Street, Sidewalk Improvement. |
12/15/23 |
1/11/24 |
SE District, Iron County, replacement of Bridge |
12/6/23 |
1/18/24 |
Addendum 1 |
SE District, Iron County, replacement of Bridge Addendum 1 |
1/10/24 |
1/18/24 |
NE District, Ralls County, construction of one, single span precast concrete slab bridge. |
12/4/23 |
1/4/24 |
Addendum 1 |
NE District, Ralls County, construction of one, single span precast concrete slab bridge. Addendum 1 |
12/14/23 |
1/4/24 |
Addendum 2 |
NE District, Ralls County, construction of one, single span precast concrete slab bridge. Addendum 2 |
12/29/23 |
1/4/24 |
Mississippi Lime, provide an adequate mobile Transloader to handle quicklime products.
Bonne Terre Scope of Work
11/4/23 |
12/27/23 |
NE District, Warren County, City of Warrenton, Old U.S. 40 Veteran Memorial Parkway, construction of Old U.S. 40 Sidewalk Extension |
11/28/23 |
12/21/23 |
STL District, City of Washington, Oldenburg Industrial Park, construction of 2,500 lineal feet of concrete streets, 2,900 lineal feet of gravity sanitary sewer, 3,200 lineal feet of sanitary sewer force main, a sanitary sewer lift station with controls, 2,900 lineal feet of water main, 2,200 lineal feet of storm sewer, and other incidental items and work described in the Project Manual, or reasonably inferable therefrom. |
11/27/23 |
1/5/24 |
Putnam County, road and bridge work. |
11/21/23 |
1/8/24 |
Addendum 1 |
Putnam County, road and bridge work. Addendum 1 |
11/21/23 |
1/8/24 |
Addendum 2 |
Putnam County, road and bridge work. Addendum 2 |
12/27/23 |
1/8/24 |
Addendum 3 |
Putnam County, road and bridge work. Addendum 3 |
1/7/24 |
1/8/24 |
STL District, St. Charles County, Mid Rivers Mall Drive Pkwy Signal Performance Measures Improvements |
11/21/23 |
12/19/23 |
STL District, St. Charles County, Muegge Rd Signal Performance Measures Improvements |
11/21/23 |
12/19/23 |
STL District, St. Charles County, Mexico Rd Signal Performance Measures Improvements |
11/21/23 |
12/19/23 |
STL District, City of Pacific, street improvements to Highway N |
11/16/23 |
1/11/24 |
STL District, City of Pacific, street improvements to Highway N Addendum 1 |
1/3/24 |
1/11/24 |
SW District, Stone County, Bridge replacement. |
11/15/23 |
12/7/23 |
The Pemiscot County Port Authority, e installation of cast-in place reinforced concrete foundations and floor slabs, erection of a Pre-Engineered Metal Building, providing and installing overhead and walk doors, rough-in of plumbing for future restrooms, and partial demolition and reuse of an existing concrete floor slab as shown in the construction documents. |
11/13/23 |
12/5/23 |
Addendum 1 |
The Pemiscot County Port Authority, e installation of cast-in place reinforced concrete foundations and floor slabs, erection of a Pre-Engineered Metal Building, providing and installing overhead and walk doors, rough-in of plumbing for future restrooms, and partial demolition and reuse of an existing concrete floor slab as shown in the construction documents. Addendum 1 |
11/28/23 |
12/5/23 |
Addendum 2 |
The Pemiscot County Port Authority, e installation of cast-in place reinforced concrete foundations and floor slabs, erection of a Pre-Engineered Metal Building, providing and installing overhead and walk doors, rough-in of plumbing for future restrooms, and partial demolition and reuse of an existing concrete floor slab as shown in the construction documents. Addendum 2 |
12/1/23 |
12/5/23 |
NEW (Repost) |
Dunklin County, City of Malden at Malden Regional Airport, Construct Apron Perimeter Fence, Construct Gravel Parking Lots |
11/13/23 |
12/6/23 |
St. Charles County, Duello Road Phase IIIA, furnishing of materials, tools, equipment, and labor |
11/7/23 |
12/1/23 |
St. Charles County, Bryan Rd/ Wentzville, traffic signal improvements, including video and advanced detection upgrades, controller replacements, etc. |
11/6/23 |
12/19/23 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Charles County, Bryan Rd/ Wentzville, traffic signal improvements, including video and advanced detection upgrades, controller replacements, etc. Addendum 1 |
11/13/23 |
12/19/23 |
Addendum 2 |
St. Charles County, Bryan Rd/ Wentzville, traffic signal improvements, including video and advanced detection upgrades, controller replacements, etc. Addendum 2 |
11/21/23 |
12/19/23 |
Addendum 3 |
St. Charles County, Bryan Rd/ Wentzville, traffic signal improvements, including video and advanced detection upgrades, controller replacements, etc. Addendum 3 |
12/14/23 |
12/19/23 |
St. Louis District, City of Sunset Hills, West Watson Road Improvements Phase 1 |
11/3/23 |
11/30/23 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis District, City of Sunset Hills, West Watson Road Improvements Phase 1 Addendum 1 |
11/14/23 |
11/30/23 |
MacArthur Bridge Rehabilitation Project, Track Renewal on Elevated Structure. Replace ballast, ties, rails, OTM with new continuously welded rail. |
11/2/23 |
12/21/23 |
Pettis County, Main St Bridge over Muddy Creek, removal of existing bridge and constructing new bridge with associated roadway approaches. |
11/2/23 |
11/14/23 |
SL District, City of St. Peters, MO Spencer Rd Reconstruction and Safety Improvements |
11/2/23 |
11/29/23 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of St. Peters, MO Spencer Rd Reconstruction and Safety Improvements Addendum 1 |
11/15/23 |
11/29/23 |
SW District, Jasper County, Replacement of existing signalized intersection at outer road and southbound ramp terminal intersection with a roundabout for Route HH (Fir Road), Dr. Russell Smith Way (outer road) and I 49 southbound ramps. |
11/3/23 |
11/30/23 |
STL District, Front Street New Haven, Side grading, construction of ADA accessible sidewalks and crosswalks |
11/3/23 |
12/4/23 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis City, constructing ADA compliant sidewalks and ramps, pavement improvements, new street lighting and traffic signals, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and landscaping on 7th Street from Walnut Avenue to Washington Avenue. |
11/1/23 |
12/5/23 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis City, constructing ADA compliant sidewalks and ramps, pavement improvements, new street lighting and traffic signals, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and landscaping on 7th Street from Walnut Avenue to Washington Avenue. Addendum 1 |
12/1/23 |
12/5/23 |
STL District, Creve Coeur, New Ballas Road, removal and replacement of concrete pavement, diamond grinding concrete pavement, ADA improvements, and signal improvements |
10/26/23 |
12/7/23 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, Creve Coeur, New Ballas Road, removal and replacement of concrete pavement, diamond grinding concrete pavement, ADA improvements, and signal improvements Addendum 1 |
11/30/23 |
12/7/23 |
KC District, City of Belton, constructing new storm sewer, installing and removing traffic signals, replacing concrete driveways, sidewalk and curb, paving, striping, signing, earthwork and landscape restoration. |
10/25/23 |
11/15/23 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Belton, constructing new storm sewer, installing and removing traffic signals, replacing concrete driveways, sidewalk and curb, paving, striping, signing, earthwork and landscape restoration. Addendum 1 |
10/30/23 |
11/15/23 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Belton, constructing new storm sewer, installing and removing traffic signals, replacing concrete driveways, sidewalk and curb, paving, striping, signing, earthwork and landscape restoration. Addendum 2 |
11/13/23 |
11/15/23 |
SL District, City of Dardenne Prairie, Grading, paving, drainage, signal, and retaining wall improvements between Missouri Route N and Feise Road |
10/20/23 |
11/15/23 |
The Pemiscot County Port Authority, e installation of cast-in place reinforced concrete foundations and floor slabs, erection of a Pre-Engineered Metal Building, providing and installing overhead and walk doors, rough-in of plumbing for future restrooms, and partial demolition and reuse of an existing concrete floor slab as shown in the construction documents. |
10/19/23 |
11/9/23 |
Addendum 2 |
The Pemiscot County Port Authority, e installation of cast-in place reinforced concrete foundations and floor slabs, erection of a Pre-Engineered Metal Building, providing and installing overhead and walk doors, rough-in of plumbing for future restrooms, and partial demolition and reuse of an existing concrete floor slab as shown in the construction documents. Addendum 2 |
11/7/23 |
11/9/23 |
Burlington Junction Railway, Construction of a Cross Dock and Rehabilitation of 3,000 feet of an existing Lead Track |
10/13/23 |
11/8/23 |
SL District, St. Charles County Gateway Green Light (GGL) Phase 6 |
10/10/23 |
11/13/23 |
STL District, City of Union, street improvements to N. Oak Street |
10/10/23 |
11/5/23 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Union, street improvements to N. Oak Street Addendum 1 |
11/7/23 |
11/15/23 |
State Technical College of Missouri Airport, 1 Technology Dr, Linn, MO, Pavement Preservation Project |
10/4/23 |
11/1/23 |
Addendum 1 |
State Technical College of Missouri Airport, 1 Technology Dr, Linn, MO, Pavement Preservation Project Addendum 1 |
10/12/23 |
11/1/23 |
KC District, Jackson County, Blue Spring Lake Road Renovation. |
10/2/23 |
10/31/23 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, Jackson County, Blue Spring Lake Road Renovation. Addendum 1 |
10/19/23 |
10/31/23 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, Jackson County, Blue Spring Lake Road Renovation. Addendum 2 |
10/20/23 |
10/31/23 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, Jackson County, Blue Spring Lake Road Renovation. Addendum 3 |
10/30/23 |
11/7/23 |
NW District, Grundy County, Road and Bridge work. |
9/28/23 |
10/31/23 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, Grundy County, Road and Bridge work. Addendum 1 |
10/18/23 |
10/31/23 |
Pike Lincoln County, General Contractor to complete Demolition/Construction at their 14561 Hwy 79, Clarksville, MO location |
9/28/23 |
10/26/23 |
Addendum 1 |
Pike Lincoln County, General Contractor to complete Demolition/Construction at their 14561 Hwy 79, Clarksville, MO location Addendum 1 |
10/18/23 |
11/9/23 |
STL District, City of Clayton, variable depth removal of the existing asphalt surface in order to correct the crown in the roadway, followed by replacement with a new 2” asphalt overlay |
9/28/23 |
10/26/23 |
HIP-9907(441) - Microsurfacing and pavement markings at various locations |
9/27/23 |
10/19/23 |
Addendum 1 |
HIP-9907(441) - Microsurfacing and pavement markings at various locations Addendum 1 P. 1
HIP-9907(441) - Microsurfacing and pavement markings at various locations Addendum 1 P. 2
10/17/23 |
10/19/23 |
Addendum 2 |
HIP-9907(441) - Microsurfacing and pavement markings at various locations Addendum 2 |
10/17/23 |
10/19/23 |
HIP-9901(441) - Jackson - milling existing asphalt pavement, asphalt pavement, pavement repairs, and pavement markings. |
9/27/23 |
10/19/23 |
Addendum 1 |
HIP-9901(441) - Jackson - milling existing asphalt pavement, asphalt pavement, pavement repairs, and pavement markings. Addendum 1 Pt. 1
HIP-9901(441) - Jackson - milling existing asphalt pavement, asphalt pavement, pavement repairs, and pavement markings. Addendum 1 Pt. 2
9/27/23 |
10/19/23 |
Addendum 2 |
HIP-9901(441) - Jackson - milling existing asphalt pavement, asphalt pavement, pavement repairs, and pavement markings. Addendum 2 |
9/27/23 |
10/19/23 |
HIP-9901(441) - Cass, Clay, Platte - Milling existing asphalt pavement, pavement repair and pavement markings |
9/27/23 |
10/19/23 |
Addendum 1 |
HIP-9901(441) - Cass, Clay, Platte - Milling existing asphalt pavement, pavement repair and pavement markings Addendum 1 Pt. 1
HIP-9901(441) - Cass, Clay, Platte - Milling existing asphalt pavement, pavement repair and pavement markings Addendum 1 Pt. 2
10/17/23 |
10/19/23 |
Addendum 2 |
HIP-9901(441) - Cass, Clay, Platte - Milling existing asphalt pavement, pavement repair and pavement markings Addendum 2 |
10/17/23 |
10/19/23 |
KC District, County of Cass, Construction of a 90-foot single span prestressed concrete NU-girder bridge along a new alignment, approach roadway work, and any incidental work |
9/26/23 |
10/18/23 |
STL District, City of De Soto, pedestrian improvements on Boyd Street |
9/26/23 |
11/2/23 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of De Soto, pedestrian improvements on Boyd Street Addendum 1 |
10/31/23 |
11/2/23 |
NW District, County of Gentry, construction of a new 89’ long, single span, MoDOT Type-6 prestressed concrete I-girder bridge with steel piling (14” Round CIP), concrete abutments, SL-1 railing, traffic control, culverts, and all appurtenances |
9/25/23 |
10/30/23 |
Addendum 1 |
NW District, County of Gentry, construction of a new 89’ long, single span, MoDOT Type-6 prestressed concrete I-girder bridge with steel piling (14” Round CIP), concrete abutments, SL-1 railing, traffic control, culverts, and all appurtenances Addendum 1 |
10/18/23 |
10/30/23 |
STL District, City of Maryland Heights, the contractor shall perform the work as represented on the attached drawings and specifications. |
9/21/23 |
10/26/23 |
STL District, City of Fenton, Larkin Williams Road Improvements |
9/21/23 |
10/18/23 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Fenton, Larkin Williams Road Improvements Addendum 1 |
10/11/23 |
10/18/23 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, City of Fenton, Larkin Williams Road Improvements Addendum 2 |
10/13/23 |
10/18/23 |
SW District, County of Barry, Work includes removal of existing low water crossing, construction of a new low water crossing |
9/20/23 |
10/5/23 |
KC District, City of Grandview, Raytown Road Bridge Replacements over Tributary to Longview Lake |
9/20/23 |
10/11/23 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Grandview, Raytown Road Bridge Replacements over Tributary to Longview Lake Addendum 1 |
9/28/23 |
10/11/23 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Grandview, Raytown Road Bridge Replacements over Tributary to Longview Lake Addendum 2 |
10/4/23 |
10/11/23 |
Addendum 3 |
KC District, City of Grandview, Raytown Road Bridge Replacements over Tributary to Longview Lake Addendum 3 |
10/10/23 |
10/11/23 |
Addendum 4 |
KC District, City of Grandview, Raytown Road Bridge Replacements over Tributary to Longview Lake Addendum 4 |
10/10/23 |
10/11/23 |
SW District, Greene County, Extending Kansas Expressway Corridor south from Plainview Road (Farm Road 182) |
9/19/23 |
10/24/23 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, Greene County, Extending Kansas Expressway Corridor south from Plainview Road (Farm Road 182) Addendum 1 |
10/17/23 |
10/24/23 |
Addendum 2 |
SW District, Greene County, Extending Kansas Expressway Corridor south from Plainview Road (Farm Road 182) Addendum 2 |
10/19/23 |
10/24/23 |
SL District, Allen Road Bridge over Sandy Creek, Bridge Replacement |
9/19/23 |
10/17/23 |
STL District, City of Manchester, La Bonne Parkway Reconstruction |
9/19/23 |
10/19/23 |
Addendum 1 |
STL District, City of Manchester, La Bonne Parkway Reconstruction Addendum 1 |
10/19/23 |
Addendum 2 |
STL District, City of Manchester, La Bonne Parkway Reconstruction Addendum 2 |
10/17/23 |
10/19/23 |
KC District, City of Belton, Replacing concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveways, resurfacing, some minor storm sewer work, striping and landscape restoration |
9/19/23 |
10/9/23 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, City of Belton, Replacing concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveways, resurfacing, some minor storm sewer work, striping and landscape restoration |
9/20/23 |
10/9/23 |
Addendum 2 |
KC District, City of Belton, Replacing concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveways, resurfacing, some minor storm sewer work, striping and landscape restoration Addendum 2 |
9/26/23 |
10/9/23 |
SW District, Polk County, Construction of Polk County Bridge BRO-B084(14) |
9/11/23 |
9/29/23 |
Addendum 1 |
SW District, Polk County, Construction of Polk County Bridge BRO-B084(14) Addendum 1 |
9/26/23 |
9/29/23 |
City of Sedalia, Sedalia Regional Airport, Rehabilitate North Parallel Taxiway and Northern Portion of Runway, Construct Taxilane for Future Hangar Development, Reconstruct Runway 5-23, etc. |
9/11/23 |
9/29/23 |
City of Sedalia, Sedalia Regional Airport, Reconstruct South Parallel Taxiway and Apron to Runway 36, Reconstruct Runway 5-23, Remove Runway 5-23 Obstructions. |
9/11/23 |
9/29/23 |
STL District, City of Breckenridge, Removal of existing bridge structure over Coldwater Creek, replacement of bridge |
9/8/23 |
11/2/23 |
NW District, Linn County, Soft Match Credit Bridge Replacement |
9/7/23 |
10/3/23 |
SL County, Russell Ave Shared Use Path/Deer Creek Greenway Connector, construction of two shared use paths, ADA ramps, driveways, drainage structures, signals, landscaping, bridge widening, and coldmilling and resurfacing of asphalt along Brentwood Blvd |
9/6/23 |
9/28/23 |
SL County, Russell Ave Shared Use Path/Deer Creek Greenway Connector, construction of two shared use paths, ADA ramps, driveways, drainage structures, signals, landscaping, bridge widening, and coldmilling and resurfacing of asphalt along Brentwood Blvd Addendum 1 |
9/19/23 |
9/28/23 |
STL District, City of Ladue, Dielman Road Improvements |
9/5/23 |
10/5/23 |
KC District, City of Smithville, Downtown Streetscape Construction |
9/5/23 |
10/3/23 |
KC District, Platte County, Mexico City Avenue Interchange Improvements |
9/5/23 |
9/26/23 |
Addendum 1 |
KC District, Platte County, Mexico City Avenue Interchange Improvements Addendum 1 |
9/22/23 |
9/26/23 |
KC District, Kansas City, Reconstruction of Wornall Road from 74th Street to 79th Street including parking lots |
9/1/23 |
9/26/23 |
KC District, Kansas City, Reconstruction of Wornall Road from 74th Street to 79th Street including parking lots Addendum 1 |
9/20/23 |
10/3/23 |
KC District, Kansas City, Reconstruction of Wornall Road from 74th Street to 79th Street including parking lots Addendum 2 |
9/20/23 |
10/3/23 |
KC District, Kansas City, Reconstruction of Wornall Road from 74th Street to 79th Street including parking lots Addendum 3 |
9/26/23 |
10/3/23 |
Adair County, the removal and disposal of the existing timber bridge |
9/1/23 |
10/4/23 |
NW District, Grundy County, proposal for constructing bridge. |
8/29/23 |
10/3/23 |
SE District, Butler County, Replace an aging and inadequate bridge with a new single span box-beam bridge |
8/23/23 |
9/22/23 |
Dunklin County, City of Malden at Malden Regional Airport, Construct Apron Perimeter Fence, Construct Gravel Parking Lots |
8/22/23 |
SE District, Howell County, Howell County Road 2570 Bridge Replacement |
8/17/23 |
9/7/23 |
St. Louis District, City of Kirkwood, Geyer Road Resurfacing. |
8/16/23 |
9/12/23 |
SL District, City of Edmundson, street improvements to Edmundson Road, pavement preparation, asphalt overlay, concrete sidewalk and curb ramps, street lighting, pavement striping, traffic control |
8/15/23 |
9/21/23 |
Addendum 1 |
SL District, City of Edmundson, street improvements to Edmundson Road, pavement preparation, asphalt overlay, concrete sidewalk and curb ramps, street lighting, pavement striping, traffic control Addendum 1 |
9/14/23 |
9/21/23 |
Port KC, chemical cleaning to remove mold and staining, Application of ACRYLIC PREMIUM GRADE ELASTOMERIC REFLECTIVE COATING and permanent repair of damaged foam, DomeSkinsTM cover including original seams |
8/15/23 |
9/5/23 |
SL District, St. Charles County, furnishing of materials, tools, equipment and labor necessary to construct interstate drive, phase 1 improvements. |
8/14/23 |
9/8/23 |
St. Louis District, University City, Westgate Avenue Improvements (roadway resurfacing and ADA upgrades) |
9/8/23 |
St Louis District, Spirit of St Louis Airport, Chesterfield MO, Runway 8R-26L Concrete Joint Replacement |
8/8/23 |
9/7/23 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis County, Bridge replacement on James S. McDonnell Boulevard over Coldwater Creek |
8/7/23 |
9/6/23 |
Addendum 1 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis County, Bridge replacement on James S. McDonnell Boulevard over Coldwater Creek Addendum 1 |
8/25/23 |
9/6/23 |
Addendum 2 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis County, Bridge replacement on James S. McDonnell Boulevard over Coldwater Creek Addendum 2 |
8/31/23 |
9/6/23 |
Addendum 3 |
St. Louis District, St. Louis County, Bridge replacement on James S. McDonnell Boulevard over Coldwater Creek Addendum 3 |
9/1/23 |
9/6/23 |