MoDOT Results: Safety. Service. Stability.

Complete Report

MoDOT is mission-centered. By focusing on customers and providing transparent measures of our progress, MoDOT delivers results through accountability, innovation and efficiency.

The Highlights

An effort to educate and inform Missourians on the current status and future direction of their transportation system.

MoDOT Delivers Results  

The Missouri Department of Transportation is focused on providing transparent measures of our progress. MoDOT delivers results through accountability, innovation and efficiency. We have developed a system of performance metrics to deliver these results while being good stewards of the state’s transportation dollars. Since 2007, MoDOT has documented more than $5.7 billion in one-time or ongoing savings. This includes redirection of $212 million in savings in 2023 to roads and bridges and $688 million in savings to our customers. In the last 16 years, reinvestment in safety enhancements resulted in an estimated 1,049 lives saved. MoDOT is not afraid to make tough decisions. In 2011, we responded to Missouri’s critical infrastructure needs by enacting the Bolder Five-Year direction, a plan that reduced 124 facilities, 750 pieces of equipment and 1,200 employees. Over a decade later, these actions have saved $1.2 billion. During FY2023, reinforced by an increased 2.5-cent per gallon fuel tax which allowed us to match Federal funds, MoDOT met with our partners and the general public to target $11 billion in unfunded transportation needs across the state. MoDOT continues to re-examine all its activities from the delivery of projects for roads and bridges to daily operations. We move some of these savings into our daily operations and internal budgets to have the necessary resources and skilled, experienced employees available to meet more customer expectations. MoDOT’s core values of safety, service and stability serve as our foundational pillars. MoDOT is committed to providing a safe, innovative and reliable transportation system, which is essential to Missouri’s economic growth.

System Size
In The United States
Cost Effectiveness
In The United States
Revenue Per Mile
In The United States