Counties Impacted
Route Impacted
Work Type
Roundabout Construction

Project Update

The project was completed in summer 2024.

The project included constructing a roundabout at the intersection of Route 14, Business Route 5, N. Jefferson Street and Bacorn Avenue in Ava, Missouri. This project also included drainage and pedestrian improvements in the vicinity of the new roundabout. The roundabout has designated pedestrian crossings on N. Jefferson Street and Bacorn Avenue. 

In May 2023, a $743,356 contract was awarded to APAC-Central, Inc., for the project. 

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About Roundabouts

Driving in circles can be a good thing, if it means you get where you want to go quicker and safer. That’s why the Missouri Department of Transportation is using roundabouts as a way to manage traffic at some intersections. This video will help you better understand how to navigate a roundabout, plus explain the many benefits they have compared to traditional traffic signal intersections.

Navigating a Roundabout: 

When approaching a roundabout, you will see a dashed white line and a yield sign at each entry point. Slow down, use your turn signal, look for oncoming cars, pedestrians, and bicyclists. When you see a safe opening, proceed into the roundabout. Follow the circle of traffic until you see the road you want to turn onto, then exit out of the roundabout. When entering a roundabout, remember, all vehicles already within the roundabout have the right of way. Do not enter a roundabout if an emergency vehicle is approaching a roundabout. If an emergency vehicle approaches while you are in a roundabout, exit immediately and pull over to the right side of the road. Never turn left when entering a roundabout. When exiting, be sure to use your right turn signal.

Project Details

A public meeting was held July 13, 2022 at the Ava City Hall, and the official public comment period closed July 27, 2022. Many of the comments we received related to the striped roundabout that is currently in place, if traffic signals could be installed in this location, and the overall design and functionality of the proposed roundabout.

The South Central Ozark Council of Governments helps identify local needs and works through the project prioritization process with MoDOT. A project in this location was prioritized. MoDOT did apply pavement markings in this location for a roundabout. However, this is considered temporary.

This location is known as an offset intersection; Bacorn Avenue aligns asymmetrically with the other roadways. For this reason, signals are not a viable solution without significant right-of-way acquisition and work to realign Bacorn Ave. This would impact several businesses in the area. In addition, roundabouts offer safety benefits. Roundabouts have fewer conflict points, or spots where vehicles could collide, than signalized intersections.

The proposed roundabout would be different than the current striped roundabout. The new roundabout would feature a low-profile raised center and splitter islands to help guide motorists through the roundabout. The low-profile center island will accommodate tractor trailers and/or buses. Delineating these areas with stained pavement reduces maintenance issues associated with striping and helps motorists better understand how to navigate the roundabout. This project will also include drainage and pedestrian improvements in the vicinity of the proposed roundabout.

Contact Us

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Pete Berry
Pete Berry
Project Manager
Southeast District
Contact Info

(417) 469-6242

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Elquin Auala
Elquin Auala
Area Engineer
Southeast District
Contact Info

(417) 469-6286